The Random Acts of Cupid (Christian Romance)

Free The Random Acts of Cupid (Christian Romance) by Amanda Tru

Book: The Random Acts of Cupid (Christian Romance) by Amanda Tru Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Tru
this one. I’ve talked to both Stella and George on numerous occasions. They’re good friends to me. I think they kind of look on me as a granddaughter. They would have already come over to say ‘hi’ except you’re here with me. By their smiles and curious looks our direction, I can tell they think we’re on a date and don’t want to interrupt.”
    “So let’s suppose you’re right about their mutual attraction? What are you going to do about it? What’s your plan to match Stella and George?”
    Elise felt worry sneaking back into her mind, creasing her brow. This one act could ensure her guilty verdict from Ryan and result in the maximum sentence. Yet she had to be true both to herself and to Ryan. She couldn’t let George and Stella experience another lonely Valentine’s Day, especially not when she had the power to help change it.

Chapter 11
    Elise didn’t answer Ryan. Instead, she caught the eye of Amber, one of the waitresses passing by, and signaled her over.
    “Hi, Elise, did you need something?” Amber asked.
    “Amber, could you do me a favor? I’d like to pay for Stella’s dinner tonight, but I don’t want her knowing it was me.”
    “That’s sweet of . . .” Amber started to say, but then stopped as understanding suddenly dawned on her face. Her eyes began to sparkle. “Oh, I get it! Do you want me to pretend it’s from somebody else?” With a subtle wink, Amber made it clear that she knew exactly what Elise was up to. After all, it wasn’t a secret that Stella and George were fond of each other. They had been providing reality entertainment for the diner staff for months.
    “No, I don’t want you to lie. Don’t tell her who it is at all. Just let her believe what she wants.”
    “Should I wait to tell her when she gets her check?”
    “No, just mention it when her food arrives. I think Susie is taking her order right now. But, knowing Stella, it’ll probably just be her usual order of meatloaf.”
    “Got it. We should have done this months ago!” And with that excited whisper, Amber hurried off to the kitchen.
     Elise didn’t need to be told that Ryan disapproved. The scowl on his face said it all.
    “Won’t it be obvious to Stella when Amber tells her someone paid for her meal?” he asked impatiently. “She was just here talking to you, and she hasn’t talked to George at all.”
    “Amber is smart. She’ll cover her tracks. She’s probably getting the entire staff on board right now. Watching those two dance around each other for months has been driving them all crazy. My only concern is that they may be a little too eager with their assignment. Let’s just wait and see what happens. You can criticize me later.”
    Ryan’s only response was something that sounded halfway between a snort and a grunt.
    Elise ignored him.
    Fortunately, they didn’t have long to wait. The waitress named Susie came out from the back and refilled George’s water glass. Though they couldn’t hear the words, the smiling waitress conversed with him a few moments before returning to the kitchen area. Ryan kept glancing at his watch. His impatience was setting her nerves more on edge than they already were.
    Please, Lord. Let this work out!
    Though Elise knew her pride was at stake, she also knew there was more riding on this outcome. The success of this match in no way guaranteed Ryan’s approval. But if it failed, it did pretty much guarantee that Ryan would think the worst of her and probably go through with sharing her secret and ruining her reputation. But even harder to take than that result would be the knowledge that she had been wrong and she never should have interfered in the love lives of others. She had prayed about George and Stella, and if she was wrong this time in her interpretation of God’s direction, then her entire paradigm unraveled. She could no longer say she’d been right about any of the others either. In short, her past, present, and future all depended on

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