
Free Inheritance by Kate Loveday

Book: Inheritance by Kate Loveday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Loveday
tonight about it. There’s a lot to consider. For instance, if people were coming in by plane, we’d need to arrange transport to and from the airport. Do you think you could drive a mini-bus to pick them up?’
    ‘Me? Well, yes, I probably could. Yes, I’d like that.’
    ‘We could have day trips for guests, too, if you think you could be a guide. I think you’d be good at that, and there’re so many places to see and things to do, not too far away.’
    ‘Like what?’
    ‘Well, like Cape Tribulation, Mossman Gorge and Port Douglas. And then there’s the croc farm and the Cultural Centre in Cairns.’ Cassie’s voice became animated as her enthusiasm rose. ‘As well as the cable car and the tourist train between Cairns and Kuranda, and the markets, and, well, things like that.’
    ‘I see. Mm, you have been thinking a lot, haven’t you?’
    ‘Yes, I have. Because we’d all have to be involved, I’d need to be sure that everyone’s happy with the idea.’
    ‘How would it involve us all?’
    ‘Well, if we have guests staying, we’d have to feed them, at least for breakfast and picnic lunches, maybe more. That would mean more work for Lorna.’
    ‘Maybe Jessie could help.’
    ‘Yes, I’m counting on that. Taking them out for a few hours station work might disrupt their normal work, so Tom and Daniel would need to be happy with that. And Daniel would make a good guide for the caves. Maybe Sam, too, if he’s up to it. He could recount the aboriginal legends. And then there’d be campfire nights.’ Cassie’s excitement rose. ‘Oh, I have heaps of ideas!’
    Rosie gave her an astute look. ‘You really want to do this, don’t you? I thought it was just an idea to try and bring in some extra cash, but it’s more than that, isn’t it?’
    Cassie became serious. ‘That’s how it started out, but now, yes, to be honest, it’s more. I want to see if I can do it. It’s…it’s a challenge.’
    ‘If you can pull it off, it’d be great.’
    That night, after dinner, Cassie gathered her group together. Daniel joined the other four for what she called an ‘executive meeting’.
    She explained her ideas for the cabins in a businesslike manner. ‘We could start off small and add more cabins if we’re successful. But it would mean some changes and I’d need your support. I couldn’t do it without that. The station will still run the same way it always has, cattle will always be our first priority. You’re in charge of that, Tom. But, for instance, what we did today, I think city people would love to see that sort of thing. Maybe even participate in some way. Do you think we could have, maybe three, four hours when we could have guests watching, even helping to open gates and push the calves along? Then come back here for a barbecue lunch, perhaps. What do you think?’
    Tom’s voice sounded doubtful as he replied. ‘It would mean a lot more work, looking after people. Maybe we might even need an extra hand. That’ll be extra expense at a time when we’re already losing money.’
    ‘I realise that, but I’m looking into the future with this. Perhaps one of the casuals could become permanent, what do you think of that? Is there someone you think would fill the bill?’
    ‘Well,’ Tom cleared his throat, sounding reluctant. ‘Tony’s a pretty good worker, if you’re sure you want to go to the expense.’
    ‘Leave the money side of it to me, Tom. I’ll work on that.’ Cassie turned to Daniel. ‘What do you think, Daniel, about Tony?’
    ‘Tony’s good with cattle. I know he’d like something steady now young Larry’s getting older.’
    ‘Then we’ll keep him in mind.’ Cassie turned to Lorna. ‘What do you think? It would mean extra meals, breakfasts at least and probably more. Jessie helps now, would you need someone extra?’
    ‘How many guests are we talking about?’
    ‘I’m thinking about six cabins to start with, that would mean twelve to twenty people. And don’t

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