To Make a Marriage

Free To Make a Marriage by Carole Mortimer

Book: To Make a Marriage by Carole Mortimer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carole Mortimer
younger than I am!’ she exclaimed.
    â€˜Which makes you nothing but a—’
    â€˜Yes?’ Adam challenged hardly, his face only inches away from her own.
    There was a warning in his eyes, but Andie was past caring about his anger, was only concerned with her own humiliation—and hurt, that he should have chosen to spend her coveted evening with him in the company of another woman, a beautifully luring one at that.
    She had so looked forward to being with him this evening, had dressed with him in mind—and, as far as she was concerned, he had merely been using her in an effort not to arrive at the party alone, after all!
    â€˜An aging Romeo!’ Andie concluded stubbornly, anger winning out over prudence.
    â€˜An aging—!’ Adam’s eyes darkened for a moment before they became silvery cold. ‘If I’m an aging Romeo,’ he bit out tautly, ‘then you’re nothing but a teasing flirt!’
    The two of them glared at each other, nose to nose, green eyes clashing with silver, chins jutting out, neither of them willing to give an inch.
    How long they would have gone on staring at each other in that way Andie couldn’t have said, but suddenly Adam gave a groan, all of the anger draining out of his body, his hands no longer tight on her arms, the thumbs lightly caressing against the creaminess of her skin.
    â€˜Damn you, Andie…!’ he breathed raggedly, his forehead damp against hers now.
    She felt the change in him, holding her breath in an effort not to break the physical awareness that suddenly seemed to have sprung up between them, her gaze steadily meeting his as she dared him to take this one step further.
    â€˜Damn you…!’ he groaned again before he moved slightly, his mouth claiming hers.
    There was no gentle exploration, no slow rising of passion; as their lips met it was as if a sensual explosion had been set off between them, all thought, all caution, forgotten in the wave of feeling that engulfed them both.
    With their mouths still fused in exploration, their clothes fell quickly to the floor, Andie not absolutely sure who took off what, only aware of searing emotion as she felt the naked warmth of Adam’s body as it fitted perfectly against her own nakedness, Adam’s hands seeking, and finding, each sensitive spot on her body, his lips heatedly following that same trail until Andie felt like liquid fire in his arms.
    The carpet felt warm against her back, Adam like fire above her, his lips and hands touching the pouting yearning of her breasts, Andie groaning low in her throat as she felt a nipple drawn completely into the moist heat of Adam’s mouth, the gentle touch of his tongue, the pleasure-pain of nibbling teeth, bringing a moist warmth between her thighs.
    She arched against him as his hand explored her there, feeling as if she would burst with the heated sensations. And then she did burst, but it was like nothing she had ever known before, every part of her feeling suddenly hypersensitive as the pleasure coursed through her, welcoming Adam into her as his body finally joined with hers.
    The pleasure that followed was even more intense than that first time, and as the heated quivering of her body brought Adam to his own peak the two of them reached that unknown plateau together in a sensation that seemed to go on and on into eternity…
    His child, he had just said.
    Yes, it was Adam’s child she carried.
    But it was a child that had been conceived in anger rather than love, a fact that had been more than borne out by Adam’s dazed expression when he’d raised his head fromthe dampness of her breasts to look at her with unfocusing, unrecognising grey eyes.
    A shiver of shocked reaction quivered through her. Because if Adam hadn’t known he was making love with her, then it had to be—Oh, God!
    Andie pushed frantically at his chest, feeling a momentary loss as her body ceased to be joined with

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