City of Rogues: Book I of the Kobalos Trilogy

Free City of Rogues: Book I of the Kobalos Trilogy by Ty Johnston

Book: City of Rogues: Book I of the Kobalos Trilogy by Ty Johnston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ty Johnston
    Belgad’s brow creased, framing his eyes in anger. He owed nothing to the sergeant, even as good a man as Gris was. Belgad was technically a knight, thus he had to answer only to the Western church. Besides, it was not in Belgad’s nature to confide in those outside his inner circle.
    He grunted. “ Nothing with which I can not deal.”
    “ That’s fine for you,” Gris said, “but word is spreading there is a street war brewing. If that’s the case, the guard doesn’t need it spilling over to innocent citizens.”
    Belgad glared at the man again. “There are no innocent citizens.”
    It took every ounce of inner strength Gris had not to step back from those brooding eyes and the menacing voice.
    “ There is no street war.” Belgad turned his gaze back to his burnt prizes. “There is only some fool with a thirst for vengeance.”
    “ Do you know who it is?”
    “ I have no idea,” Belgad lied, “but my own people are asking questions. Once they discover this devil, I will deal with him.”
    “ Lord Belgad, let me be of aid.” Gris tried a different approach. “My men could be of much service to you, and I know a man who is a fine tracker. ”
    Belgad’s dark eyes were flat and steady on the blackened remains of his ships. “I have no need of your services, sergeant, and as a Knight of the Western Church, I can call upon my own authority in dealing with this matter.
    “ You may go now.”
    Sergeant Gris knew he would get no further with the big man. Belgad did not act much like a knight, but a knight he was, and he had his own authority under the law of the land.
    Gris nodded and backed away. “I’ll make Captain Chambers aware of the situation,” he said as he retraced his steps to his horse.
    Belgad said nothing and did not bother to watch the sergeant climb into the saddle.
    Soon after Gris rode off, the crowd began to thin. Many of the gawkers had to be to work or to breakfast. It didn’t pay, watching a rich man’s fortunes go up in smoke.
    “ Master Belgad.” The voice came from the crowd.
    Belgad wouldn’t have moved if he had not recognized the speaker. He turned as Lalo the Finder eased between two armed guards and approached his employer.
    “Fine of you to join me.” Belgad waved a hand toward the remains of his ships. “You see what a fine gift master Darkbow has left?”
    The Finder frowned at the vision before him. “ Are you sure it was him, lord?”
    Belgad nodded. “I questioned Gossimer and Fortrude. They described him the same as Stilp.”
    “ Did this Darkbow speak with them?”
    “ A l ittle, but his purpose is apparent. He wishes to ruin me.”
    “ And perhaps more than that.”
    Belgad turned to stare at his man. “What do you mean?”
    “ This Darkbow has no qualms about killing. And he’s rather bent upon revenge against you. It seems likely to me he will eventually make an attempt on your life.”
    Belgad’s eyes remained brooding. So what if his enemy wanted him dead? Plenty of men had wanted Belgad dead. He did not fear death, as was the custom among the men of his Dartague homeland, but that did not mean he would greet finality with open arms.
    Belgad turned back to glare at his dead ships. “ Cancel my meeting this afternoon with the economics forum.”
    “ What of Fortisquo?”
    “ I still want to meet with him. Fetch him yourself if you have to, but I want him in my hall before the day is done.”
    “ As you wish, my lord.”
    Adara Corvus wasn’t sure what woke her. Perhaps it was the light steps of Fortisquo as he tip-toed away from the bed. Perhaps it was the jangling of his belts as he slipped into a pair of pants. Perhaps it was the soft metallic click of the bedroom door as he opened it and stepped through. Or perhaps it was simply that Adara no longer felt his warmth next to her in the bed.
    No matter. The tall, slender form of the man with the goatee was gone, like many men in Adara’s life.
    She opened her eyes

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