Rebound (Tryst Island Series)

Free Rebound (Tryst Island Series) by Sabrina York

Book: Rebound (Tryst Island Series) by Sabrina York Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabrina York
Kristi were in the same boat, Cam didn’t care. He had business to take care of and this would probably be his only opportunity to get Bella alone. He watched as they paddled past the gentle surf into the open water. Drawing in a deep breath, he turned and headed for the dock.
    It was a floater, anchored to the shore by pylons sunk into the sand. It swayed a little as he walked to where Bella sat at the end. She glanced up as he took the lounge chair next to her. But he didn’t lounge. He perched on the side, and studied her until her face puckered up.
    “Can we talk?”  
    She dropped her book onto her chest. “Sure.”
    Crap. He should have planned this better. He didn’t know what to say. He decided to just dive in. “I was just wondering how long?”
    She shook her head. “How long? How long what?”
    “How long have you had a thing for me?”
    Her mouth fell open. She gaped at him. “Wh-what?”
    “You know. How long have you had this crush on me?”
    She sat up then, facing him, knee to knee. “What makes you think I have a crush on you?”
    “You don’t?”
    Her snort was a dead giveaway. That and her laugh.
    Really? Was the prospect so hilarious?
    “Cam Jackson, you are so full of yourself.”
    He put out a lip. “I am not. It’s just, Kristi said—”
    “Kristi said what? What? What did Kristi say?”
    “You know.” He raked his fingers through his hair all the way to his nape.
    “Uh, no. I don’t know.”
    “She said we couldn’t…”
    “Couldn’t what?”
    “Continue.” There. Surely that was clear enough.
    “Continue?” Hell. Apparently not. “Continue what?”
    “Our…” He made a motion that should have been more than illustrative. She blinked. Like an owl. “You know. Our thing. Because you had these feelings and she didn’t want to hurt you.”
    Why this annoyed Bella, Cam had no clue. “Are you serious?” She leaped to her feet and stormed to the edge of the dock and stared out at the kayaks in the distance. “She told you?” And then she spun around. “Wait. She said she couldn’t continue her thing with you…or her thing with Holt?”
    Now he bounced up. “She doesn’t have a thing with Holt.” At least she’d better not. “Did she say she had a thing with Holt?” Unease trickled through him. Kristi told him there was nothing. She’d convinced him there was nothing. Had she been telling the truth, or just playing him? No. He couldn’t bear that thought—
    “I saw them kissing last night.”  
    Oh. That . His tension released.  
    “I saw them, Cam.” Bitterness bubbled in her voice. “Why does it always work out like that? Why do they always fall for her? Am I not pretty?”
    Aw, shit. Tears. He hated tears.
    “You’re very pretty. Really Bella, any guy would be lucky to have you.” Based on her expression, she wasn’t buying it. He decided to get to the point. “What you saw last night? It’s not what you think it was.”
    “My sister? In a passionate embrace with the man I—with a man?” She crossed her arms over her chest and scowled at him. “What else could it be?” Bella froze. “Wait… You said she didn’t want to continue this affair with you because I had a thing for you? Is she fucking you both?” she asked gloomily.
    “No.” In fact, hell to the no. “It’s Kristi and me. Not Holt. At all. Like even a little bit. Not ever. Never.” He emphasized this point with a slash of his hand and then added a couple more “evers” just for good measure.
    “She’s having an affair with you?” She narrowed her eyes. “Are you—are you sure?”
    “Yup. Pretty sure.” Pretty damn fucking sure.
    “So you’re the one she was with all last night?”
    “All night long.” Holt probably spent the night in his room nursing a bruised jaw. “He did kiss her, but only to test the waters. She told him to get lost.” Or at least, something like that.
    “So…it’s you and Kristi?”
    “Oh.” Her

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