No Quarter

Free No Quarter by Anita Cox

Book: No Quarter by Anita Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anita Cox
teeth that were too white to be real. “I got word that you were disposing of a few pack mates.”
    That was fast. Wonder how she heard? She pushed her thoughts toward Colin, while maintaining a face stiff as stone.
    “Trina might have called her. They used to be friends.”
    “Yes, we’ve asked Richard and Trina to leave. Are you looking for new pack mates? My understanding was the Chicago pack had already outgrown themselves.” She allowed a small smile to spread across her lips.
    “Oh dear.” She looked Nala from head to toe, “you really do dress for comfort.” Turning to Colin, she plastered her fake smile on once more and put a hand on his shoulder. “Well, there’s so much to do at Scottsboro. What a dump. We could use a few lower Lycans for labor.”
    “Lower Lycans?” Nala narrowed her eyes.
    Stephany waved her off. “Don’t take offense dear. Stature is stature.”
    Memories of cages and shackles flashed before her eyes. She blinked as she tried to regain her composure. “So Richard and Trina will be members of the Scottsboro pack then…under your protection?”
    “Stay calm. She’s trying to goad you.” Her mate’s warning suddenly having her regretting not taking a more diplomatic approach with Richard and Trina. Perhaps they could have been brought around. The thought of them going to live with the harpy standing in front of her made her feel ill.
    “My protection? That’s cute. They’ll contribute to their pack and make themselves useful or they can find another pack.” Looking around behind her she said, “Where are my little ragamuffins anyway?”
    Looking at the twist at the back of Stephany’s head, Nala fantasized ripping each hair from the root. “They’re packing.”
    “Well am I just supposed to stand out here and wait like a vagrant?” She crossed her arms under her boobs. “Or are you going to invite me in?”
    Not a second too soon, Richard and Trina rounded the corner in their pickup truck, which was sagging under the weight.
    “Looks like you won’t have to wait after all.” Colin flagged them over.
    The truck creaked as it rounded the corner and came to a stop. “Stephany!” Trina waved. Nala noticed the swollen and red skin under her eyes where she’d been crying. Guilt crept up until she felt as if she were choking on it.
    After a deep breath, she walked over to the open window. She looked at Richard, who refused to look at her, then to Trina. “If your position changes, understand that our door is open. So long as you have such a distaste for the newest members of our pack, then it’s the whole pack that is my priority.” She cleared her throat. “A check for the value of your home will be mailed to you.”
    Trina nodded and sniffed. “Thank you.”
    “We’ll be fine,” Richard grumbled through his clenched jaw.
    Looking over her shoulder at Stephany who was fighting not to twist an ankle as she made her way to the truck, she turned back to them. “I’m not so sure. Just remember what I said.”
    “I’m in the black Jag over there,” she said pointing at her car. “Just follow me to Scottsboro.” Looking at the truck she sighed. “Will this thing even go the speed limit?”
    The arrogance and insults were grinding at Nala to a point she couldn’t stand. If this particular bitch didn’t vacate the premises soon, she’d have to show her exactly why she dressed for comfort.
    Maxine, one of the Gnomes ran toward them with a box in her hand. Her red curls bounced as she ran, calling out. “Wait!”
    Stephany spun around and looked down screaming. “A rat!” She kicked her leg at Maxine.
    Nala threw her left leg forward colliding with Stephany’s, whose foot narrowly missed hitting Maxine in the face. Grabbing her by her throat, Nala growled. “Do not ever assault one of my pack mates or I will rip out your throat. Do you understand?” Her chest heaved as furious anger boiled in her veins.
    “Are you mad! What is that thing? Let go of

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