Knockout! A Passionate Police Romance
“I know - and it’s fantastic.”

Chapter 8
    Once back to her flat she lay gratefully in bed. Loneliness ached inside that only one man could soothe. Her mobile was ringing and she fumbled to find it.
    She almost kissed the phone. It was him!
    “I had to call - it’s late cherie - I’m sorry.”
    “No - don’t be sorry…”
    “I was thinking of you - you know, how it was last night.”
    She thought of his face, his big strong hand holding the phone.
    “Me too - how’s Paris?”
    “Oh - I had to do that TV show - just a dumb interview about boxing. I’m at home now, looking out of the window onto the Boulevard St Michel. My city is very beautiful too.” He purred in his soft French accent.
    “Freddie - I wish... ”
    “I wish it too ma belle - how I wish... ”
    “If only I could kiss you - if only I could hold you.” She almost cried with frustration.
    “Our time will come - once this whole business is over I’ll be free.”
    “What business?”
    “The fight and all the stuff that goes with it.” He sighed wearily. “I want another life now but I have to focus in.”
    “I was thinking... you know perhaps you could get injured in training or something like that...”
    He chuckled. “Yes - you are thinking like a woman who wants to keep her baby at home on the first day at school. There is more to this show than a sweet girl can imagine. It’s not like the boat business mon amour.”
    She swallowed a surge of anger. She didn’t sell bloody boats! She knew more of this tough world that he could imagine. How she longed to open her own heart, but since she had lied to him she could hardly blame him for believing her... But what was it he had called her? Mon amour?
    “Mon amour? Mon amour?” She echoed back at him.
    “OK - that slipped out, it’s a lovely word. I was not expecting you in my life right now - or ever I guess.” He said in a slow husky voice.
    “I understand... I feel... it is all so fast,” she began, battling with her raging emotions of desire and frustration. “Can I meet you in Antibes on Thursday afternoon? I’ll call you as soon as I have all the details.”
    “I’ll pick you up from the airport in Nice.”
    “There’s no need...”
    “There’s every need Anna - every need in the whole world. In a few days I fly to the States for training camp - I might as well be going to the moon. I mean Anna... Anna, it is so good to say your name - couldn’t you come to Paris?”
    Every cell in her body craved and ached for him. If only she could be with him NOW!
    She was out of control and reckless. Probably he would think she was a wicked girl. Maybe he knew he was in danger. She could just pretend to herself she was on his case. For sure there were crooks in the soup and with luck she could clean up the bowl and leave him aside. If the worst came to the worst she would just disappear and get on a plane.
    “Yes - I’ll come.” She replied, wondering how she could possibly swing it.
    “When?” He questioned, with a note of joy in his voice that thrilled her.
    “Tomorrow night - a late plane into Paris Charles de Gaulle.”
    “No boats to sell in London?”
    Her heart was pounding. He could not imagine the hoops she was going to have to jump through. If only she were a Daddy’s girl who sold the odd boat.
    “The rain stopped - the ark business is history.”
    “Anna,” he exclaimed suddenly, “this is crazy - but I don’t want to stop.”
    How he wanted her. He needed a girl at his side but that was just how it had started. Now things were different but he could never explain that now. Probably he would never be able to tell her.
    “I’ll let you know my flight.” She said, softly kissing the phone.
    “Until tomorrow.” He whispered.
    Her mind swam with both joy and worry. Once again she had acted spontaneously with no idea of how to pull off such a trip. Suddenly her mind swapped back to that time before when she had just acted out of passion. It

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