Knockout! A Passionate Police Romance
Judy had been delighted with the chance of a girlie chat.
    “Fizzio-therapy” she announced as she plonked down two bottles of sparkling Pinot Grigio.
    Judy held her son Zak in her arms in the centre of the toy strewn lounge. The three year old Mia ran to Anna exclaiming over and over “
    There’s Nobolins in the forest. Nobolins! Nobolins!”
    “Nobolins?” Anna repeated.
    “Goblins.” Laughed Judy.
    Anna sat down while Mia presented the evidence for Nobolins in the shape of a big story book.
    “You’re a natural.” Commented Judy.
    Anna thought seriously for a few seconds. Sure she was off the pill but just at the start of her cycle. She knew that as a boxer Freddie would be checked out but she was living dangerously for sure. Just now there were other problems.
    She watched her friend mothering the children, unable to reconcile the picture with the tough demon driver cop from their days at Brixton. Once the kids were in bed they opened the wine and Anna opened her heart.
    “Plan A is a transfer to the underwater search squad, a check at the clinic and a morning after pill” Announced Judy when she had finished.
    Anna laughed “Is there a plan B?”
    “Plan B is to get you to France next week for a bang on the boat. We do not tell Beaumont that you are shagging the suspect and are so loved up that your knees don’t work.”
    “Loved up - is it obvious?”
    “Yeah - like a big zit on your nose baby!”
    Anna smiled at Judy’s wonderful way with words. Her friend continued.
    “So - Monday morning conference I’ll get a keen young detective from Criminal Intelligence to bring up the story from Interpol about Freddie boy. It’s best if I don’t look involved cos you’re the witch and I’m the cat as far as our dear commander is concerned. Then you can jump in saying - “What a coincidence... this guy is a client of my father and he’s gonna be in the South of France. Then you offer to pop down and check him out.”
    “It’s risky, but I’ll go for it - we never worried about risks in the past did we?”
    “We were dumb street cops Anna, just kids - shall we open the other bottle?” Judy laughed, - “but I’ll tell you one thing - that Beaumont Locke is a real premiership slime bag.”
    “Destined for commissioner.” Added Anna.
    “Commissioner?” Echoed Brian’s voice swerving through the toys in his uniform and stab vest, “it’s a kind offer but I’m busy.”
    “Good shift?” Asked Judy, kissing her husband’s balding head.
    “I’m still alive, no one else died.” He answered wearily.
    Anna smiled. She liked Brian and would have trusted him with anything. He was going nowhere in the police but he was worth ten of Commander Locke.
    “Brian -you know of Freddie La Salle?” Prompted Judy.
    “Sure - he’s a legend. He’s about to fight Brennan in New York. Rather him than me. Brennan is great white hope and great white shark all in one. Never been defeated, never gone the distance. Fearsome puncher - know what I mean like a psycho savage? La Salle is a gent - goes in there to beat the guy, not beat him up.”
    “So who will win?” Asked Anna anxiously.
    “La Salle has the class. He always goes the distance, never throws the big punches. If the ref lets Brennan fight the whole match with his head in Freddie’s face then I think La Salle will get nailed. Brennan is the home town boy. La Salle must need the cash - this fight is huge box office.”
    Anna winced at the thought of Freddie unconscious on the floor with the crowd baying for his blood. He didn’t seem to need the money.
    “What’s this fight worth to the winner?” She asked.
    “Prize money - perhaps a million dollars. TV and the rest about 20 million.”
    “I might be tempted myself.” Commented Anna.
    “Not if you’d seen Brennan in full psycho attack.”Pete chuckled.
    “Never mind - you are only risking your career, your health and the trust of your family Anna.” Said Judy concernedly.
    Anna nodded.

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