Fortune's Favor (A Power Up! Story)

Free Fortune's Favor (A Power Up! Story) by Marie Harte

Book: Fortune's Favor (A Power Up! Story) by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
Tags: LGBT Paranormal
lost something in their sexual exploration. Coming twice, kissing the man, feeling that taut flesh against his… He couldn’t stop thinking about it. Him.
    With a disgusted curse, he threw down the sanding block and made his way back up the stairs toward Nathan’s room. A peek inside showed his partner sound asleep. Thank God. Avery walked next door and decided to make better use of his time than fixing up a tired house. Instead he tried to piece together the puzzle that was Malcolm Dixon. What made the man tick? Why had he turned from loving his wife to almost killing her and her nephew? Why abuse a small boy the way he had? Had the government been responsible for his change? Or had he always been bad to the bone? What would he be like now?
    Hours later after pouring through every nugget Ian had sent him, Avery came back to the same clue that puzzled the hell out of him. Why had Danielle sent her son to live with her sister? Who had she slept with while Malcolm worked abroad? He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he had a feeling the answers to everything lay with Danielle Dixon. And only one person could help him solve the questions that plagued him.
    The poor bastard getting some much-needed rest next door.
    * * * *
    Nathan woke feeling deeply rested. A glance out the window showed night had fallen. Hell, he must have slept the day away. He rose, took care of his needs, and dressed. After a hurried race through the cold hallway and down the stairs, he entered into a cozy living room. The gas fire burned. The lights had been turned low, and the smell of Chinese food made his mouth water. Then he noticed Avery sitting in an oversize chair reading a book and had to check himself for drool. Good God, the man did wonders for jeans and sweaters.
    Avery glanced up and put the book aside. “Finally awake, I see. Feeling better?”
    “Yeah, I am, actually.” Nathan rubbed his stomach, famished. “What’s to eat?”
    “Take your pick. Noodles, rice, chicken, and shrimp. It’s in the kitchen.”
    Nathan left Avery, loaded up a plate, and returned to the living room. Avery watched him with an intent look that discomfited him. “What?”
    “Just wondering if you being here is the right thing.”
    Nathan groaned. “Not this again. You already saw me here. What the hell, man?”
    “In a vision. But you said it yourself. I don’t know when I saw you. Might be a year from now that you confront Dixon.” In a low voice, Avery added, “You need time to get through all this.”
    “You sound like you care.”
    “Don’t be an ass. Sure I care.” At Nathan’s raised brow, Avery added, “I don’t want to get my head shot off while you’re moping over your loss and thinking up ways to kill your uncle.”
    “That’s really sweet of you, Avery.”
    Avery grinned, and Nathan’s heart raced. “That’s me. Mr. Caring. No, seriously. I was thinking about it a lot today. You lost your mother. It’s a big deal, man. Take the time you need to get through this. We should go back to Bend. We’ll figure out another way to get Dixon to show himself.”
    “What about the job? We’re supposed to get that blade back for our client.”
    Avery shrugged. “It’s been missing for a year at least. What’s another few months? Hell. If he wants it so bad, Jack can put someone else on the case. Let Aidan take it. He’s been a real pain in the ass lately, wanting to get out and do some field work.”
    Nathan chuckled. “You have to admit, working in the gym isn’t nearly as exciting as undercover ops.”
    “Oh yeah. House-sitting in Bloomville is a huge thrill.”
    Nathan’s held his fork over his plate as he studied his partner.
    Avery frowned. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
    “You really mean it? You’d drop this mission and go back? For me?”
    “So what?” Avery quickly amended, “Not just for you. It’s a safety issue is all. Better for both of us if we deal with Dixon when we’re more focused.”

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