
Free Rescued by Larynn Ford

Book: Rescued by Larynn Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Larynn Ford
    “Then we can go together,” Marty said.
    She sucked in a sharp breath. “Did you tell them about me? That you know me? Because I said, I’m a loner with not many friends. We can’t go together or let on we know each other. Maybe one of us should bow out.” Rose shook her head, afraid the adults would suspect they were working together. “If they get the least bit spooked, they might grab the kids and run in the middle of the night.”
    June agreed with Rose. “She’s right, you can’t let on you know each other. That would blow her cover for sure. One of you could back out but, two cougars inside can gather twice the information. I think it would be advantageous for you both to go. Rose, you can borrow my VW bug. She’s old but dependable. I’ve kept her around since college. I can’t stand the thought of parting with her.”
    Rose paused. June made a good point. “Thanks June. You’re right. A little teamwork gathering info will be a benefit. We can make this work. Marty made a connection the same as me. If the girls don’t have doubts about their situation, maybe the boys do. It’s settled. We both go.” Determined to get some answers, they’d have to be careful not to appear familiar with each other.
    Logan’s phone rang. He retrieved it from the pouch clipped to his belt and held up his other hand to signal the group to wait. “Oscar. Whacha got? That’s what we’re gonna find out. Rose and Marty made contact with the kids and are going to a get together at the house tonight. Right now, I’d like to get an idea of what kind of place this clinic is. Can you get someone inside to check it out? I want to have all the information so we can to piece this puzzle together.” He paused. “Good, keep me posted.”
    He ended the call and relayed the info. “The team tracked the kids to a clinic on North Avenue. Six kids and four adults entered. The kids came out with big smiles on their faces and appeared to be happy about whatever went on inside. All of them had cotton balls taped to their arms so they must have given blood like they said. According to Oscar, everything looked normal. Too freakin’ normal.”
    “The question is, why would they herd a bunch of kids into a clinic to give blood and how’d they convince them to do it?” Marty searched for answers.
    “Nelson is on the inside rollin’ up his sleeve as we speak. He’ll be able to give us the details from the inside going through the donation process like the kids did. I’m just as curious to find out if the clinic is on the up and up.”
    Nelson was one of the human members of Logan’s team and wouldn’t attract any attention when some nerdy lab tech tested his blood. A Were’s blood on the other hand, would send up a huge red flag since they carried an extraordinary amount of red blood cells. The two-natured carried more than twice the amount as humans to accommodate the need for additional oxygen when the body made the transformation from human to Were form and back to human again.
    “So what now? You’ve got surveillance under control. We don’t have to leave for the house until five or so. What else can we do for the rest of the day? I’m too pumped about the possibility of finding the key to this mystery to sit around doing nothing for hours.” Rose bobbed up and down on the balls of her feet, eager to get on with the next part of this investigation and get to the bottom of this move the girls mentioned.
    “I have paper work to do back at the office but I’ll call you if I get anything significant from Oscar,” Logan said.
    “And even crime fighters need clean clothes, so I’m off to do laundry,” June joked. “Why don’t you two stay here and enjoy the festival. When’s the last time you two relaxed? Really relaxed?”
    Rose’s mind flashed immediately to the shower in the room she and Marty shared. Every ounce of tension had drained from her body as Marty moved the sponge in tiny circles over her back

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