Until The Sun Goes Down (Boundless Love Book 3)

Free Until The Sun Goes Down (Boundless Love Book 3) by Iris Deorre

Book: Until The Sun Goes Down (Boundless Love Book 3) by Iris Deorre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Deorre
off and he’d lie next to her and listen to her heart beat.
    ‘Do you remember the first time we met?’ he asked one morning.
    ‘I do, I remember it like it was yesterday.’
    ‘Myles had been very cagey about the whole thing. But I understood why.’ He smiled at her.
    ‘Yes well, those days I didn’t want too many people to know. I didn’t want people feeling sorry for me.’
    ‘It makes a lot of sense to me now.’
    ‘Life is a beautiful thing, Eugene Gallagher, and you brought so much into my life.’ She leaned into him.
    ‘So if I had to ask you what number you are today, what would you say?’
    ‘I’d say a three, but that doesn’t matter anymore.’
    ‘It matters to me.’
    ‘Oh baby, I’m sorry.’
    ‘Don’t be. I’m just finding it very hard right now. How the hell am I going to live without you?’ He sniffed.
    ‘You have Joy. She needs you.’
    ‘I know.’
    They were silent. No more words had to be said. The sound of the waves brought peace. The curtains to the French doors, where they lay, blew gently. But as the day progressed, Sahara began to feel better within herself. At four that afternoon she sat up and spent time with Joy. They chatted and drew a picture of the beach. Eugene was convinced a miracle had taken place.
    ‘That’s a really good picture,’ said Sahara. ‘You’re a born artist.’
    ‘Thank you mummy, you helped as well.’
    ‘Yes I sure did. I loved colouring the sun. It’s so bright and beautiful.’
    ‘It is, I see that everyday when Elodie takes me for a walk on the beach.’
    Sahara smiled faintly. Elodie was a good woman. She’d done as Sahara had asked, and kept Joy in a positive state for as long as she could.
    ‘Mummy’s going to have a little rest. Why don’t you go and get something to drink.’ Sahara lay back into the bed.
    ‘Okay. Can we try and do a puzzle later?’
    ‘Oh sweetie, I don’t think so.’
    ‘But you…’
    ‘It’s okay. You’re okay.’ She took Joy into her arms. ‘Go and get a drink and I’ll see you in a little bit.’
    Joy nodded, glanced at her mother a moment and then left the room. 
    At four forty five Sahara refused the next dose of morphine.
    ‘Are you sure?’ asked the nurse.
    ‘I am. I don’t need it.’ She smiled. ‘Could you ask Joy to come in please?’
    ‘Yes, of course.’
    Joy walked into the room a few minutes later.
    ‘Hey.’ She beamed at her daughter.
    ‘Mummy, you look…happy.’
    Sahara smiled. ‘I am darling. I’m happy.’
    ‘Does that mean you’re better?’
    ‘It means it’s time for me to go.’
    ‘What do you mean? You’re better. We did a drawing together, we laughed.’
    ‘Yes we did and that’s what makes me know that everything is going to be okay.’
    ‘Mummy’s tired now. My body can’t stand the pain anymore and it’s time for me to finally rest. That doesn’t mean I don’t care or I’ll forget you, it just means that it’s time for me to let go.’
    ‘You’re dying?’ she cried.
    ‘Yes baby, I’m dying. Come here.’
    Joy lay into her mother’s chest and cried. Sahara did her best to comfort her. If she could make herself stay she would, but she couldn’t. It was finally out of her control and it had to be accepted. Thirty minutes later, Eugene stepped in. He looked at the pair and his heart broke.
    ‘Could you ask Elodie to come in.’ She whispered.
    He nodded and a few seconds later their nanny appeared.
    ‘Joy, why don’t you go and spend time with Elodie. She’ll take care of you now.’
    ‘I don’t want to go! I want to be with you.’
    ‘I know. I love you,’ she said. ‘I’m so tired, I really am.’ A tear drizzled down the side of her cheek. ‘I love you, baby.’
    It took a while, but Elodie finally convinced Joy to leave Sahara. Eugene sat by her side and gazed at her. He ran a hand down the side of her cheek and smiled faintly.
    ‘I love you,’ she said.
    ‘I love you too. Don’t leave me.’
    She smiled.

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