The Blood Bundle, Books 1-2: Blood Singers and Blood Song (New Adult Paranormal Vampire/Shifter Romance)
    Still running.

    William took in the filth of the air, his acute
senses filtering the smells that did not concern him.
    There were many, but amongst those, there was a
faint taste on the air.
    He swiveled his head in Pierce's direction,
his nostrils flaring as they transitioned between scenting to
anger. Pierce had been a dolt, letting her slip by. His anger rode
him hard, his body tenser, more than was even typical for him.
    Every moment she was alone left her
vulnerable to attack. Judging by the pungency of her aroma, his
blood still in her to the vaguest degree, he judged she was within
a fifty mile radius east of their current position.
    He opened the door to the SUV, leaving the
bus depot behind them without a backward glance.
    “ East,” William commanded to
the runner who had met them. His eyes meeting Pierce's in the rear
view mirror, settling against the passenger seat.
    They sped off, the blackness of the SUV
melting into the night.
    Julia wasn't the hugging kind of girl but she
gave a big one to the man who had let her sleep for hours on his
    He gave her an awkward pat on her head and told
her to take care of herself.
    She turned as she heard the engine roar in his
pickup truck and then dim as he pulled away. Julia looked at where
she stood. The moon was full, the brightness cast making Julia feel
strangely vulnerable under the yellowish glow of the streetlight,
on display. She clutched her toiletry bag tighter, moving forward
toward the door.
    Julia walked inside, passing under a sign at the
threshold of the building which read, Freedom Affirmed . Once
through, there was a receptionist on duty, her hair was in a severe
bun, glasses perched on the end of her nose. It was her eyes, full
of knowledge from hard experience that finally relaxed Julia.
    Eyes that seasoned eased her.
    “Hello dear,” the receptionist said in a
pleasant voice, her bird like eyes taking in Julia's appearance,
missing nothing. The dyed hair, the crazy get up, the lack of
luggage. Julia guessed she was pretty much fitting whatever
stereotype there was.
    The woman raised an eyebrow, as she came around
the desk to greet Julia. “I'm Shirley,” she stuck her bony hand out
and Julia took it, giving it a gentle shake and then dropping hers.
Shirley's eyes searched hers and finally she said, “I guess you
need a place to stay for the night?”
    Julia nodded. Only one night? Crap, she'd have
to figure it out day by day.
    Shirley, apparently seeing how dejected she was
continued, “We offer transitional services. We will help you find a
job, another residence...” she spread her arms to each side.
    Julia sighed. She was terrified of William and
Pierce finding her. It wasn't rational. After all, once she got on
the bus, her trail disappeared.
    Or that's what she told herself.
    But Julia had been with the vampires for almost
a year and they made normal human senses something to which there
was no comparison. Julia shuddered, remembering how easy everything
was for them. William was a runner, chosen specifically for
    He was engineered to find her.
    Julia shuddered and Shirley gave her a look of
sympathy, misinterpreting it completely. She took Julia's arm and
they walked together to her room.
    Julia was as settled in as she was going to be.
She looked around the room. Actually, it was a shared room, hardly
more than a closet. The bathroom served two rooms for four women.
The girl she shared with was at her new job, poised to leave the
next morning. Julia looked longingly at the bathroom. She was dying
for a shower.
    She went through the clothes that Shirley had
provided. There was enough for a week's worth. A plain, black
duffel had been provided, courtesy of a sponsor of the shelter.
    The clothes were simple but comfortable and fit
well. A miracle. She was heavier than she'd been when the vampires
had thought they'd lose her from

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