Sinner (The Hades Squad #1)

Free Sinner (The Hades Squad #1) by Jianne Carlo

Book: Sinner (The Hades Squad #1) by Jianne Carlo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jianne Carlo
his mom called his boyish-devil grin. “I thought you'd never offer. Hmm, I don't want grease spitting on that luscious bod of yours. Guess you can wear a T-shirt today. No pantie.”
    “You are not my lord and master.” She stood, eyes narrowed, jaw clenched, but had to crane her neck to meet his gaze.
    Not yet. Soon.
    She stomped over to the dresser and squinted at him over one shoulder. “I'll wear a pantie if I so decide.”
    He fought a victorious smile and traced the curve of her ass as she bent over. Linc choked back a groan when his aching balls tightened, and he resolved to have her on her hands and knees next fuck—a long, long doggie-style screwing.
    Destiny rummaged through her clothes, and she mumbled under her breath, something about chauvinistic paratroopers and pear trees.
    Christ, she's adorable. Mom's gonna love her to death.
    Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Where the hell did that come from?
    Mouth suddenly drier than the Sahara, he did an about-face, balled his fists, and stalked to the main cabin. Leaning on the cool wooden wall, he gulped in oxygen.
    Less than a minute later, Destiny crept into the room wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the words BITE ME , which fell to an inch above her thighs, winking a peek-a-boo temptation with each step she took. Linc battled the urge to swoop her into his arms. He hated not being able to carry her.
    Their gazes met.
    She stumbled, and he surrendered, taking two extra-long strides and hooking her knees with one arm.
    “I didn't put on the pantie.” She rested her palms on his chest and peeked up at him.
    “Fuck, Destiny.” He grunted into the sweet spot between shoulder and neck. “What am I going to do with you?”
    “Are you mad at me?”
    He hugged her closer. The slight tremble in her voice sent his heart into a somersault. Before he could answer, a booming male voice crackled through static noise. “Satan to Sinner. Come in, Sinner.”
    “Cripes!” she yelped and just about climbed up to his neck, looping her arms around his head, all the while darting wide-eyed glances around the room.
    He tightened his hold on her and crooned, “It's just the radio. No need to be scared.”
    The pulse at her throat jumped faster, and she stared into his eyes.
    “I'd never let anyone hurt you. Not even me, Destiny. Got that?”
    Her gaze didn't waver, but she didn't look convinced.
    The rigid muscles in her back loosened; a delicate pink tongue snaked across her parted lips. She nodded.
    Linc hadn't realized he'd stopped breathing until she gave that tiny nod.
    “Satan to Sinner. Come in, damn it. Where the fuck are you?”
    “I have to answer that. My GPS malfunctioned, and they're probably getting ready to send out a search party. Shit, if I'd have answered Satan when he radioed earlier, we—” Linc clamped his lips together, swallowing the words …could've gotten out of here yesterday. No way he'd ever regret not answering Satan. Being stuck in this cabin with Destiny had been fated. And then it hit him.
    This is Keechum, Demon's new home away from home.
    “Oh.” She blinked a couple of times. “Sinner?”
    “I'll explain later. We okay?”
    She dipped her chin again, and he couldn't resist kissing the tip of her nose.
    Linc glanced down at her while he walked across the room. The solemn expression she wore tickled the little devil riding his shoulder. “Thank you for not wearing panties, Destiny.”
    A rosy stain did a frenzied salsa from her collarbone to her forehead. “It wasn’t because you ordered me not to.”
    He ignored her petulant grumble, dropped a kiss on her hairline and watched her eyes cross when she tried to keep his face in focus. She felt warm and soft in all the right places, and she suited him to a tee.
    “How're you feeling? Sore?”
    “I wouldn't know.” She folded her arms. “If I could actually walk a couple of steps, maybe I could test things. Do you have something against panties?”

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