Dreaming in Technicolor

Free Dreaming in Technicolor by Laura Jensen Walker

Book: Dreaming in Technicolor by Laura Jensen Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Jensen Walker
Tags: Ebook, book
sport, although I can’t imagine why you would, Google it.) Loving His Girl Friday, Teacher’s Pet, and All the President’s Men , I’d always fantasized about being an investigative reporter going after a big scoop.
    What I got was a job writing obits. Then I’d graduated to covering livestock . . . and craft fairs . . . and restaurant openings. And I was fast learning that politics wasn’t really my thing either—at least not the small-town variety. You try attending water boards, school boards, and cemetery district board meetings on a regular basis and tell me they’re not boring with a capital B.
    What I really longed to write were movie reviews and “lifestyle” columns. The movie reviews I was already doing, though on a limited basis, and they were my favorite part of my job.
    Next to seeing Alex every day, of course.
    Which was so not happening at the moment.

    Back home, I powered up my laptop and checked my messages. Nothing from the man I loved. Heavy sigh.
    But wait, what was this?
    To: Movielovr
From: Etraveler
    Hi, Phoebe, I’m writing from an Internet café in Munich. How’s Barley? I’d say I missed you all, but I’d be lying. Having too much fun. Although Millie, my traveling buddy, is about to drive me up the wall. She’s the slowest person I’ve ever met. Never knew it took so long for a body to get ready in the mornings. The time she spends on her hair and makeup is enough for me to have finished my breakfast and then some. But aside from that, my trip’s been WONDERFUL. Don’t know why I waited all these years. Had some schnitzel with mushrooms—called Jaeger schnitzel—that just melted in my mouth. The country is beautiful. So clean. Tomorrow we’re off to Austria. I’ll think of you when I’m eating my Sacher torte.
    Auf Wiedersehen, Esther
    I tried not to be jealous of my globetrotting, seventy-something friend, but it was difficult. Of course, everything seemed difficult these days. Something to
do with the man I adore being so far away, and now Esther too, while I was still stuck in Barley. Oh, and let’s not forget my best friend grabbing the happily-ever-after engagement ring either . . .
    Envious, much?
    Sorry, God. Guess I really need those quiet times to help me with such unchristian attitudes as envy and resentment and discontent.
    But the quiet times were difficult too!
    Thinking back on my conversation with Amy, I decided I’d try an after-dinner quiet time. I closed my laptop, pulled out my devotional and Bible, and curled up in my chair to read. But I just couldn’t concentrate. After fiddling around for fifteen minutes, I finally gave up and flipped open my computer again.
    Hooray! Finally, a reply from Alex.
    To: Movielovr
From: Filmguy791
    Hi, Barley girl. Sorry to be so long getting back to you—things have been impossibly hectic here. I already knew about Phil and Lindsey. Phil e-mailed me to tell me he was going to propose.
    What? How come Phil didn’t tell me? We’ve been friends longer.
    Now don’t go and get all in a huff that he didn’t confide in you. Phil knew there was no way you’d be able to keep it from Lindsey—she’d have heard it in your voice. So he decided the info had to be classified FMO—for men only.
    Dad’s doing better. Thanks for asking. Our colleague George is a huge help at the office. Delia, too. Don’t know what we’d do without them.
    I miss you too, Phoebe. I miss everyone there in Barley. Every time a bell rings here, I think: An angel just got his wings, and somebody just opened the door at the Barley Bulletin.
    Must run, though—lots going on. Talk later.
    I signed off the Net with a smile on my face. Whenever a bell rings here —he really was thinking of me. For a few minutes I lost myself in a dream of the time when we’d finally be together again. I’ll meet him at the airport, and

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