Wolfe's Mate

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Book: Wolfe's Mate by Caryn Moya Block Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caryn Moya Block
excitement. Nothing seemed to keep her down long. She picked up several travel brochures and quickly read them as they waited for Granger to finish.
    Granger turned at the front desk and smiled as Esme rushed to pick up a blanket a child dropped from his stroller. He caught Jared’s eye and sent him a telepathic message.
    “Go on, if you like. I can catch up as soon as I’m done here.”
    Jared nodded and walked over to Esme, who spoke with the child’s mother. “Are you ready, ma petit louve ? Granger says he’ll meet us there.”
    After a quick goodbye, Jared escorted Esme out of the lobby. He frowned when he saw how hard it rained. “Would you like me to call a cab?”
    “Oh, no. I love walking in the rain. The brochure says the casino is only three blocks away on Park Street West. Come on. It’ll be fun.” They were under a fabric awning at the hotel entrance. Esme grabbed Jared’s hand and pulled him into the rain.
    They stopped and waited for the light to change before crossing the street. Esme kept lifting her face up to the rain. Once Jared saw her tongue peek out. “What are you doing?”
    “Trying to catch rain on my tongue. Did n’t you do things like that while growing up?” Esme looked at him with concern. For the first time, Jared didn’t know what to say.
    How could he explain that his Alpha training started at birth? He’d never considered trying anything so frivolous.
    “It’s al l right. I can tell you never have. Catching snowflakes on your tongue is much more exciting. The snow is cold, and you feel it as it melts. I’ll have to teach you how to have fun, Jared.”
    Fun? Did she think he was unable to have fun? He was having “ fun” right now, watching his crazy mate playing as rain darkened her hair and plastered it to her face.
    The light turned green , and Jared stepped off the sidewalk. A sudden roaring filled the air. Esme screamed his name and yanked him back. He fell to the sidewalk. A rush of air told him how close he’d been to the speeding car.
    “Oh, my god . Jared, are you all right? Did I hurt you? That car almost hit you.” Esme ran her hands over his body.
    Jared shook his head , trying to clear it, as he sat up. He took one of her hands and brought it to his lips. “I’m fine, Esme. Your quick thinking saved me. Thank you. I never saw the car coming. He must have missed the light change.”
    Strong arm s slipped under Jared and lifted him up.
    “I wouldn’t be too sure of that, Jared,” Granger said , setting him on his feet. “I saw the whole thing from the hotel entrance. The car looked a lot like the sedan the English Alpha lent us.”
    Esme gasped, rising to her feet. “Do you think someone did this on purpose? Should we call the police?”
    “I don’t think that’s necessary,” Jared said. “I’m fine, as you can see, and we have no proof this wasn’t just an unfortunate accident.” He adjusted his clothes before reaching for Esme’s hand. “We’ve missed the light.”
    “Let’s get a cab, Jared. Walking in the rain isn’t fun anymore.”
    “Don’t let this rob you of your joy, Esme. Walking in the rain can be fun if you let it.” Jared squeezed her hand, wanting to reassure her. Nothing should be allowed to steal the smile from her face.
    “I know, Jared . Let’s take a cab anyway. That way we can get to the casino sooner. Besides, the rental car will be here before we know it, and the search for Norris will continue.”
    Norris, it always came back to Norris. Jared would be glad when Esme’s every thought wasn’t about her brother. He nodded , and Granger hailed a cab. After a moment, they climbed in and told the driver their destination. As Jared settled in the seat, Esme leaned against him, her arm around his waist. He decided to try to have fun at the casino. Not for his sake, but for Esme’s. He could give her that much.
    Esme held tight to Jared’s hand as they walked into the casino. The noise hit her first,

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