Wolfe's Mate

Free Wolfe's Mate by Caryn Moya Block

Book: Wolfe's Mate by Caryn Moya Block Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caryn Moya Block
can rent a car. Maybe the hotel staff can help us. I heard planes coming in last night. I don’t think we are far from a small airport. If we can’t get a car, maybe we can catch a flight to Aberdeen.”
    “Al l right, I’ll speak with the staff and see what I can figure out. Do you want me to order breakfast or will we eat in the dining room downstairs?”
    “I think Esme would like to go downstairs. She made a remark about m y keeping her locked away. She needs to eat before we continue our trip. Last night exhausted both of us.”
    “I’ll meet you downstairs , then. Does the T-shirt I bought for you fit okay?”
    “Yes, thanks for getting me something clean to wear, and thanks for the toiletries too.”
    “Well, you ’ve been locked in your room since yesterday afternoon. I figured I’d better do something about our clothes situation. Now, if we can get to the train station and pick up our bags, we can at least have clean underwear.”
    “I thought you went commando ,” Jared said.
    “I do . I meant for you.”
    “Now, you’re being mean. Go on . Esme and I will catch up with you in the lobby.”
    Granger smiled and headed for the door. Jared shook his head at his best friend.
    Now, what would he tell Esme about the car? Everything seemed to be conspiring against them finding her brother. If only Jared could convince her to let her brother go and come to Quebec with him. Granger could find out what was going on and report back to them.
    It looked as though Norris didn’t want his sister coming with him to Scotland. He might have had a very good reason to leave her behind. Unfortunately, Esme wouldn’t stop looking until she discovered what was happening with Norris. Whether he wanted to or not, Jared would have to take Esme to find her brother. He hoped he could keep her safe while he did so.
    “Did I hear Granger?” Esme asked as she walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head. She wore a pair of jeans and a pink T-shirt. Her feet were bare, and Jared remembered how he’d kissed and teased her toes a few hours ago.
    “He’s going to meet us downstairs. Here , let me help you with your hair.” Jared reached for the comb sitting on the side table. “Sit down, and I’ll comb it out for you.”
    “Jared, you don’t have to …”
    “I want to. I love your hair. Come here, ma petit louve .”
    Esme sat down on the end of the bed.
    “Turn around,” Jared directed before he took the towel in his hands and finished squeezing water from her hair. She smelled of lemons, like the soap in the bathroom. He picked up one strand of her dark hair and slowly worked the comb down to the ends before he picked up another lock and repeated the process. He loved the softness. Her hair felt like the finest silk against his skin. Everything about his mate was sensual. He wanted to forget the missing car, and Norris, and take her to bed for a week. Sighing, he worked the comb through the last few strands before laying the final lock on her shoulder.
    “Is something the matter?” she asked, looking back at him.
    Jared leaned down and kissed her neck near the mark he ’d left on her skin. She trembled. “The car is missing. Granger thinks it was stolen last night.”
    “ What? Stolen? Who would want an old sedan like that?”
    “I don’t know, mon coeur . But we won’t be able to get to Aberdeen without some kind of transportation.”
    “Oh, dear …”
    “Precisely. Come put on your shoes, and let’s go down to eat. You said you wanted to get out of the room. Hopefully, Granger will have some answers for us by the time we arrive.”

Chapter Six
    Esme held Jared’s hand as they entered the hotel restaurant. She couldn’t believe he’d finally made love to her in reality, not in a dream. She blushed, and glanced around the hotel. Could the people around them know?
    Jared gave her hand a little squeeze. She didn’t know how to act. Part of her wanted to shout for joy. After

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