A World Reborn: The First Outbreak

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Book: A World Reborn: The First Outbreak by Chris Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Thompson
is buggered,
so he’s trapped with someone else from the security team.”
    “So you’re on your own?”
    “Yes, if it matters, I’m on my own. Please
send help as soon as you can. It’s not good on the lower floors. People are
either dead or dying.” Melissa explained, hoping the calm tone of the woman
would shift into one of action.
    “Ma’am, thank you for your report. We have
an air vehicle in the vicinity and they’ll be able to touch down soon and
assist you. Please stand by the radio and wait on the helipad.”
    Melissa thought this sounded strange. She
never said she was on the helipad. Frowning, she glanced around and saw that
the lights on the helicopter she had spotted were now closer, probably only a
minute or two out, and there were no other helicopters nearby. Although it was
difficult to tell, as it was a dark helicopter against a dark night sky, the
one approaching seemed a little too big for a standard police helicopter. Also,
taking into account the distance between them and the lights on the helipad,
she’d be clearly visible to anyone in the helicopter, but it didn’t make sense
that the woman on the radio would also be aboard it. Of course, if the
helicopter did belong to the police, just following some kind of routine flight
plan, when she contacted the emergency line via the radio they would have been
informed of the situation and most likely would have reported back to the
dispatcher that they could see a person on the roof.   
    “Ma’am, are you still there?” The woman
quizzed sharply.
    “Yeah, I’m here.” Melissa responded
cautiously, watching the helicopter getting closer. Sure, it seemed a little
paranoid even to her, but if the organisation that had attacked this hotel was
as well funded as she suspected, was it completely out of the question that
they could have a helicopter to ferry additional people here? And the woman was
English, or at least she had an English accent, a little uncommon amongst the
Las Vegas police Melissa was sure. Melissa started to retreat towards the
    “Ma’am?” The woman questioned.
    “Yeah?” Melissa replied guardedly.
    “Don’t move!” She ordered, her voice
sounding chilling across the radio.
    “I’m not.” Melissa answered, a little
shaken by the unexpected command.
    “Don’t try my patience. Your will to
survive will impress the Teacher. Stay where you are, Witness.”
    Melissa, confused by being called ‘Witness’
and certain that staying on the roof was a bad idea, tossed the radio to the
floor of the helipad and started to hurry down the steps. The helicopter, its
engine sounding very loud now, was only a few seconds from actually landing.
Melissa leapt down the last few steps and broke into a flat run towards the
stairwell leading down from the roof. The door was dead ahead of her, but a
flash of light on the floor nearby indicated someone was pointing a flashlight
in her direction. A loud bang rang out, then a burst of them, and as Melissa
darted right she heard the impact of bullets behind her. Another series of
shots rang out and she saw bullet holes appear in the outer wall of the
stairwell ahead of her. She reached the door and wrenched it open, terrified
that the next burst of shots would hit her, but she got lucky, and was through
the door before the next barrage was launched at her. She slammed the door
behind her, and its heavy steel frame absorbed the impacts that would surely
have hit her legs. Melissa jinked right and started down the stairs. She
pounded them as fast as she could, with no real idea of what to do other than
to get down, away from the people shooting at her. She rounded the corner and
started down the second flight. Ahead of her was the door leading out into the
corridor housing the executive suites. Melissa heard the door to the roof open
above her, followed by heavy boot steps. She snatched at the handle and yanked
it open; a split second later she was banging it shut behind her and

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