Playing for Keeps

Free Playing for Keeps by Glenda Horsfall

Book: Playing for Keeps by Glenda Horsfall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenda Horsfall
Tags: Romance, BDSM, Erotic Fiction
either side of her, Matt was at her front, and Cassie had no escape. She closed her eyes, feeling mortified. She didn’t know where to look! The touch of the Doms was impersonal as they attached leather cuffs to each wrist and ankle before stepping back. She heard them moving about and what sounded like chains being taken out of a bag. Her heart was thudding so hard she could hardly hear above the sound of her own heartbeat, as she tried to figure out what they were doing.
    “Tie her in position!” Matt bit out. He saw the panic flare in her eyes, but had to admire her nerve when she didn’t try to run and didn’t use her safe word.
    She had agreed too quickly to her punishment. Did she think that by getting rid of the others he would relent and go easy on her? Not a chance baby! Not that he would let anyone touch her, but he wasn’t opposed to playing with her head a little to reinforce that he was in charge.
    Dean and Jake, Doms he had met when he had been researching the BDSM scene, and who had now become quite good friends, grinned at him as they came up behind her. He knew they wouldn’t hurt her, that they wouldn’t touch her sexually; but she didn’t. Each grabbed a wrist, and guided her, over to the spanking stool.
    She stood staring straight ahead, as if she was too embarrassed to look at either of her captors. She shrieked when they suddenly lifted her off her feet and laid her face down on the sloping and padded stool. The manacles around her wrists where fastened to eyes at the base of the front of the stool. Her legs were spread wide and the manacles around her ankles were fastened to hooks at the sides of the back of the stool. Her backside was positioned on the edge, raised in the air and ripe for his attention. A leather strap was fasted across her middle, pinning her, ass up, face down and unable to move. Her chest was pressed tight against the leather padding of the stool and he was sure the nipple clamps were making themselves felt.
    Matt crossed to stand behind her. He pulled on her hair to lift her face up and efficiently tied a mask over her eyes. Deprivation of one sense, in this case sight, always, but always resulted in heightening of the other senses. Her senses of hearing, touch, taste and smell would become more acute. He really hoped his kitten was going to enjoy herself.
    “Do not move, do not talk unless I ask you a question.” He walked around her prone position, his fingers trailing sensuously over her skin. “If you talk,” he continued, “I will have to gag you and I really don’t want to do that – I want to hear you scream!”
    She gave a low whimper as she tried in vain to raise her arms. He could imagine what she was thinking. What was he planning to do? Why would she scream? Pain or pleasure?
    Dean and Jake gave him wide grins as they crept out.
    Punishment time! He was going to play with her mind. He knew her imagination would be in overdrive. Perhaps he would feed that wicked imagination of hers. It would teach her a lesson – never to disobey him again. Christ, he was turning into a bastard. All the same, he was looking forward to driving her mad.
    He removed his waistcoat, she wouldn’t know if it was him or one of the others touching her that way. Cupping her ass in his hands, he molded her cheeks and squeezed as he leant over her back and kissed her nape.
    “Relax, kitten, you really will enjoy this punishment!” He was glad she was blindfolded and couldn’t see his face. She did relax as she realized that it was him at her back.
    He massaged her shoulders gently, rubbed up and down her arms; he whispered how gorgeous she was in her ear. He told her how much he had loved watching her come, although and despite the fact that she had disobeyed him. Her skin was satin soft and the smell of her perfume teased at his nostrils, as he stroked his hands slowly down her back, working his way to her ass in soft gentle swirls. She relaxed under him as her fear subsided.

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