Intercepted by Love: Part Five: A Football Romance (The Quarterback's Heart Book 5)

Free Intercepted by Love: Part Five: A Football Romance (The Quarterback's Heart Book 5) by Rachelle Ayala

Book: Intercepted by Love: Part Five: A Football Romance (The Quarterback's Heart Book 5) by Rachelle Ayala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachelle Ayala
desperate lies. Cade did a quick mental calculation. “She was my date Halloween, and then I saw her off and on for three weeks after that.”
    “You never sleep with the same woman twice. You’re lying.”
    “Oh, it worries you, doesn’t it? My sperm is younger and stronger. I beat you to the punch, didn’t I? Bret’s mine.”
    The old man paced across the room, breathing heavily. “Pick up. Pick up, you bitch. Come on, dammit.”
    “What? Calling Roxanne to get the story straight?” Cade jeered while working the bands around his wrists. He’d flexed his muscles while they’d tied him. Wherever those guys were moving the stuff, they didn’t seem to be around.
    “Hey, call me back. We have a problem.” Dick left a voicemail.
    “I’ll say we have a big problem. I bet when we get the password, there isn’t going to be any money left in the account. Mom’s double-crossed you for the last time.” Cade suppressed the deep worry that his mother was actually dead or worse. However by the way Dick acted, he truly didn’t know where she was and didn’t think she was dead.
    “You have any idea where she is?” Dick’s voice was flat. “You think she’s gone off with the money?”
    “I hope she has. I hope she’s taken all of it and is sipping piña coladas on a beach somewhere.”
    “Shit. Shit. Shit.”
    The door thudded and his footsteps disappeared down the street.
    Oh, dear God , Cade prayed. Please let Mom be okay. Let me find her before it’s too late.

Chapter Ten
    A ndie and Owen checked into a hotel room on the Las Vegas Strip. It was one of the more family oriented ones that had pictures of clowns decorating the striped walls. The cover story was that they were tourists from Nebraska, and they were supposed to spend the next day sightseeing with a smattering of gambling at different hotels and clubs, before heading to the Sparks Casino on Sunday for game night.
    “Should be fun,” Owen said, cranking up the air conditioner. “If anyone’s watching us, they won’t suspect a thing. Want to hit the buffet?”
    “I’m not sure I can stomach any food right now. Can I take a shower and order room service?”
    “Sure, we might as well turn in early then.”
    “I sure hope someone’s texted Cade to let him know I’m okay.”
    “We won’t know. No contact, remember?” Owen shook out the drapes, then pulled the mattresses aside, sweeping his fingers along the edge.
    “What are you looking for? Wires?”
    “No, bedbugs.” He chuckled nervously. “We aren’t supposed to be talking about spies and stuff.”
    “Right, got it.” Andie headed for the bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror and opened her travel kit. None of the supplies were hers. George hadn’t allowed her to keep anything: not her purse, carry-on, suitcase, or even her wallet and identification.
    She dug through the kit. They’d included a complete set of makeup, medicines like aspirin, eye drops, and toiletries—none of the same brand she used, even a box of condoms. Andie swallowed a lump at the sight of the tampons and sanitary napkins.
    When had she used them last? Could she be? But no, she and Cade had been careful, hadn’t they? But what about before her brain injury? She had no recollection.
    Andie didn’t have to squeeze her nipples to know how overly sensitive they were. All the symptoms were there. Nausea, the bloating in her abdomen. She was pregnant. Holy submarine sandwich.
    She had to tell Cade. But how? She was on this job, and he thought she was on her way to New York. What horrible timing. She gasped and sucked in air, then blew it out, hunched over the sink. She should pull out of this sting operation. If something happened to her, it wouldn’t just be her, but the baby too.
    “Hey, Andie, I’m calling room service,” Owen said through the door. “What do you want, beef bourguignon or chicken pot pie?”
    “Chicken pot pie and a salad please with green goddess dressing.” She’d eat now

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