Nelson: Britannia's God of War

Free Nelson: Britannia's God of War by Andrew Lambert

Book: Nelson: Britannia's God of War by Andrew Lambert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Lambert
Leveson Gower 12 & 13.9.1805: Countess Granville ed. Lord Granville Leveson Gower, First Lord Granville: Private Correspondence 1781 – 1821. London 1916 Vol. II pp.112–4. Lady Bessborough was Gower’s mistress, and had his child.
    30 Nelson to Emma 1.10.1805; Morrison II p. 267. He invited the young man to dine with him.
    31 Sidmouth to Nelson 10.9.1805; Add. 34,931 f. 125
    32 Ziegler, Addington , pp. 244–5.
    33 Stanhope, Life of Pitt , IV p. 330.
    34 John Wilson Croker Diary entry of 1.10.1834, minuting a conversation with Wellington on that day. Croker was a lifelong confidant of the Duke, and a key figure in the creation of the Nelson legend.
    35 Col. McMahon to Nelson 11.9.1805; Morrison II p. 265
    1 Castlereagh to Nelson and Matra (Consul at Tangier) 14.9.1805; Add. 34,931 ff.192–3
    2 Nelson to Matra 25.9.1805; Frost, A. The Precarious Life of James Mario Matra. Melbourne, 1995, pp. 137–8. .
    3 Nelson to Emma 17.9.1805; Nicolas VII p. 40
    4 See for example Nelson to Emma 20.9.1805; Morrison II p. 266
    5 Collingwood to Admiralty 30.8.1805; Add. 34,930 f. 304.
    6 Castlereagh to Nelson 27.10.1805; WO 1/282 f. 131.
    7 Castlereagh to Nelson n.d. and Francis to Nelson 4.9.1805; Add. 34,930 f.247 and Add. 34,931 f. 689
    8 Fremantle to Buckingham 30.9.1805; Buckingham, Duke of, Courts and Cabinets of George III , London, 1855, Vol. II, p. 446
    9 Duff to Wife 1.10.1805; Nicolas VII p. 70
    10 Edward Codrington Orion to Wife 4.9.1805; Bourchier, Lady Memoir of Sir  Edward Codrington, London, 1873, Vol. I, p. 47
    11 Codrington 20.9.1805; Bourchier p. 49
    12 Nelson to Emma 1.10.1805; Nicolas VII p. 60
    13 Lempriere to Collingwood 24.9.1805; Bayntun to Nelson nd; Add. 34,931 ff. 207–8
    14 Nelson to Acton 30.9.1805; Nicolas VII pp. 53–4
    15 Young to Nelson nd. Add 34,931 f. 219
    16 Nelson to Admiralty 2.10.1805; Nicolas VII pp. 62–4
    17 Senhouse to Pellew 3.10.1805; Add. 34,931 f. 253
    18 Blackwood to Nelson 10.10.1805; Add. 34,931 ff. 296–7 Nelson to Blackwood 14.10.1805; Nicolas VII pp. 121–2
    19 Nelson to Elliot 9.10.1805; Monserrat MS. MON/III 54
    20 Knight to Nelson 5.10.1805; Add.34,931 f. 266.
    21 Nelson 10.10.1805; Nicolas VII 106
    22 Nelson to Admiralty 10.10.1805; Nicolas VII pp. 98–9. Pocock, Remember Nelson; The Life of Captain Sir William Hoste for the career of this brilliant officer.
    23 Blackwood to Nelson 15.10.1805; Add. 34,931 f33o. This may the basis for the famous Nelson quote ‘Here comes Berry, we are sure to have a battle now!’ cited by Nicolas at VII p. 117.
    24 Codrington 21.8.1805; Bourchier p. 46. Duff to Wife 10.10.1805; Nicolas VII p. 71
    25 Admiralty to Nelson 21.9.1805; ADM 2/1363 (Secret) arrived 8.10.1805. Nelson to Admiralty 10.10.1805; Nicolas VII pp. 109–10
    26 Corbett, Trafalgar, pp. 342–59. Report of a Committee appointed by the Admiralty to consider the tactics employed at Trafalgar, HMSO London. 1913.
    27 Nelson Memorandum 9.10.1805; Nicolas VII 89–92, and Corbett pp. 447–9
    28 Blackwood to Wife 23.10.1805; Nicolas VII p. 226
    29 Nelson to Collingwood 9.10.1805; Nicolas VII p. 95
    30 Nelson to Stewart 8.10.1805; Cumloden Papers
    31 Blackwood to Nelson 19.10.1805; Nicolas VII pp. 130–1
    32 Nelson to Collingwood 12.10.1805; Nicolas VII p. 115
    33 Nelson to Emma 19 and 20.10.1805; Nelson to Horatia 19.10.1805; Nicolas VII pp. 132–3
    34 Nelson Diary 21.10.1805; Nicolas VII p. 139
    35 Both Blackwood, who knew him well, and Codrington, who did not, were struck by how profoundly the loss of his chief had affected the flag captain. They had missed, as have most others, the intense relationship between the two men, forged in war, and sustained through years spent working, living and relaxing together. He even cut up the one-armed admiral’s meat. All great admirals needed a Hardy, an officer to provide the calm, efficient ship administration, exemplary seamanship and emotional support that relieved them of the daily routine, to concentrate on the

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