Bunny Bear - Wild Bear 02
Chapter One
    Michelle Larsen pounded on the back entrance to the Wild Bear and frowned when a huge bunny opened the metal door to let her in. The Wild Bear , the bar where she waitressed in the evenings, was closed Sundays and Mondays, but the owner often worked in his office on his days off.
    When Gabe had called her and asked to borrow an Easter basket, she’d stupidly thought his words were a lame excuse to get her alone and confess his feelings. Seeing him dressed up in the white carpet-like suit triggered the realization she’d made a horrible mistake.
    “Hey,” the rabbit said.
    “Hey, Gabe,” she said, casually.
    She forced a smile, but disappointment swamped her.
    Gabe hated costumes and dressing up, which meant there was only one reason the bear was dressed as a bunny. He had another date.
    He stood inside the building and held the outward opening door with one hand. She grabbed the metal so she wouldn’t have to squeeze past him, and breathed a sigh of relief when he took a step back to let her pass. Seeing him across the room on the nights she worked was enough to make her overheat, if she touched him, she might burst into flames.
    Damn him!
    He didn’t start walking toward his office until she led the way, and even though she wanted to run, she focused on putting one foot in front of the other at a normal pace. She could feel his presence on her heels, and she desperately wanted to stop and force him to collide with her. She longed to feel the weight of his big body pinning her in place, preferably while sinking his cock deep into her needy pussy.
    Stop it! Get a grip!
    She walked into Gabe’s office, took a deep breath, and forced the images from her mind.
    Gabe was her boss, and sometimes her friend, but he would never be anything more. The one time she’d gathered up enough courage to ask him out for coffee, his answer had been a solid, resounding, no. He had left no room for interpretation, and she’d been grateful he hadn’t fired her on the spot.
    She wanted a man, a special someone to share her life with, but she needed her job. From that moment on, she’d made sure to keep everything between them as professional as possible. Gabe seemed to hold a grudge against her offense, and he often bossed her around more than he did the other employees, but he was still a good man. He was also arrogant, stubborn and overly devoted to his business.
    His rejection had stung, but she’d consoled herself with the belief that he would never have time to nurture a relationship anyway. Up until two months ago, she’d believed her assessment.
    In reality, he simply hadn’t wanted her.
    “How did you know it was me?” he asked, entering the room behind her. She could tell by the sound of his voice that he’d removed the giant rabbit head.
    Her cheeks heated and she stalled by placing the basket on his desk. His office had a desk in the center with a chair behind it so he could sit facing the door, a filing cabinet, a bookcase, a small sofa and an end table that housed a tiny, rarely used lamp. When she thought she could look at him without giving away her desire, she turned to face him.
    “Who else would it be?” she asked with more confidence than she felt.
    In reality, it wouldn’t matter if he wore an oversized bunny suit or nothing at all, his form was branded in her brain and she’d recognize him anywhere.
    She looked up into his brown eyes and pressed her thighs together to stop her pussy from tingling. He was only six inches taller than her five-foot-eight frame, but he was wide, muscular and strong. His body was big and hard, and shifters were known for being larger than humans everywhere. Her pussy fluttered, as if begging to be filled by him, and liquid heat dampened her panties.
    Embarrassment surged to the surface, but it was quickly doused by anger.
    Two months ago, his cousin Isabelle, one of the bartenders, and Lucky, the bouncer, mated and got engaged. Since then, Gabe had

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