Children of the Tide

Free Children of the Tide by Jon Redfern

Book: Children of the Tide by Jon Redfern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jon Redfern
souls, sir — has taken place. Our noble sovereign has but recently given birth to her first child and she has stated, in her joy, that all her subjects are equally beloved of her as is her infant, the Princess Royal, Victoria. Likewise, we men of the law must extend our protection to all. We cannot allow prejudice to rule our conduct.”
    Endersby had countered Borne’s obstinacy on several occasions with allusions to persons of higher social standing, be they the Queen or an admiral of the imperial navy. Borne removed his hand from his frock coat. He sniffed, looked down at his shoes, then stared Inspector Endersby straight in the eye:
    â€œInspector, I find your remarks impertinent. Perhaps you have misunderstood the meaning of my words. Our prime minister and founder of our detective police, Sir Robert Peel, has wisely stated our mission is to prevent crime and disorder. By finding the simplest way to do this shall result in greater trust and safety for all .”
    Not to be out-maneuvered, Inspector Endersby formed a quick reply: “With due respect to you and to Sir Robert, our founder also stated that to preserve public favour we police must demonstrate absolute impartial service to the law. A murder has been committed; the law requires action. It is for this reason alone…”
    â€œInspector, please,” Borne said, his face reddening. “I am quite capable of quoting Sir Robert’s nine principles. And I can see that if we continue in this manner, I shall not have the luxury of finishing my meal.”
    Endersby did not move. Superintendent Borne sat down again. He picked up his fork and took hold of his cloth napkin. Endersby folded his hands together. He spoke in a flat manner as if he were defeated and was willing to succumb to Borne’s dismissive manner: “What, then, sir, might be your suggestion in handling this matter?”
    â€œSurely, Inspector, that is what your keen mind must conjure on its own. I have given my opinion. Do you wish me to issue an order? Please be advised, sir, our city has over eight hundred constables and at least twenty well-paid detective inspectors like you. We have a roster of crimes to investigate. I suggest you consider delegating duties and, if you wish, you may appoint two constables at most to give you aid. I can see no other recourse. But once better locks are secured in workhouse institutions, I reckon the murders will cease.”
    â€œMost just of you, sir,” was Endersby’s quiet response. Somehow without losing face, Borne had managed to recognize the severity of the situation Endersby had presented to him not minutes before.
    â€œWe have your permission, then, to proceed, sir?”
    â€œSearch and capture, Inspector.” Borne’s voice was without enthusiasm. He then pronounced: “You have much to do, sir. I want facts, conclusions and arrests.”
    â€œThank you, sir. We already have some clues to lead us.”
    â€œYou make your duties sound like a child’s game, Inspector. How clever. I grant a three day subsidy only for the workhouse matter. If, as you say, you have clues, follow them with speed. And warn the houses of the need to lock their coal chutes.” These last few words of Borne’s were accompanied by a mocking chuckle.
    â€œReport Monday next, Inspector,” Borne added. “Haste and dispatch.”
    With simultaneous gestures, Endersby retrieved his hat from the floor while Borne snatched up his dinner knife and began to slice his pork cutlet. In the corridor outside of Borne’s office, Endersby tapped his large stomach and then wrung his gloved hands: “Ledgers and new locks!” he said with some glee. Endersby pulled down his hat and when he stepped into the courtyard, Sergeant Caldwell was waiting.
    â€œAny culprits in the cells, Sergeant?” Endersby asked.
    â€œOnly two women, sir, a lad, and a drunken man. No scar, no fearful faces,

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