Alpha Son
Fireborn Publishing Copyright Statement
    Alpha Son
    Copyright © 2015 by Brenna Lyons
    eBook ISBN: 978-1-943528-41-7
    First eBook Publication: October 2015
    Cover Artist: Brenna Lyons
    Photo Credit: Dollar Photo Club
    Logo copyright © 2014 by Fireborn Publishing and Allison Cassatta
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Alpha Son
    Werewolf U III
    Tyler stood at the corner of Kythera Hall, watching the group of girls laughing together.
    Not quite , he admitted to himself. He wasn't watching the group. He was watching her . Julianna.
    She dressed in a Bohemian style...ankle-length, flowing dresses made of linen, ramie, hemp, or double gauze. Her coppery-brown hair was long and loose, pulled back at the temples to a ponytail at the back to keep the strands out of her eyes. Still, waves escaped and framed her face.
    She was tall for a female, nearly Tyler's height. Were they standing face-to-face, he would be able to look directly into her medium gray eyes.
    I want to be that close to her. It's what he came here to do, and unless Julianna sent him away, he would have that wish.
    * * * *
    "Ladies," a male greeted them.
    Julianna focused on the book in her lap. She had no interest in randy males sniffing for something appealing.
    A gasp from one of her friends made her stiffen.
    No. It can't be. Julianna raised her head slowly, panning her gaze up strong, male legs encased in tailored suit pants. The shirt was undoubtedly a fine twill, and his arms were crossed over his broad chest.
    His. No, Tyler's. She didn't question that she was correct. When their gazes met through the fall of his unruly hairstyle, Julianna wasn't surprised.
    "Hello, Alpha Tyler." She tried to act unaffected, though his mere presence made her heart pound in excitement.
    "Hello, Julianna." He smiled at her, though it wasn't reflected in his eyes.
    Her friends shot uncomfortable looks at each other. When Tyler didn't continue speaking, they started mumbling excuses and taking their leave. Far too soon, they were alone together.
    "You wanted to see me, Alpha Tyler?" she inquired, still trying to act unaffected.
    "Call me Tyler. Please."
    Not on your life. Julianna waited to see what he would say next. Can't be worse than anything I've heard before. At least she

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