The Werewolf’s Bride: The Pack Rules #1

Free The Werewolf’s Bride: The Pack Rules #1 by Michele Bardsley

Book: The Werewolf’s Bride: The Pack Rules #1 by Michele Bardsley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Bardsley
expression bland. “I’m informing you.” He opened his hand. “The prison key, please. You will report to the pro tem and officially relieve yourself of all duties.”
    “Who called for the vote?” asked Neela as she slapped the key into Mac’s hand. It seemed not all her fire had been banked.
    “Kelt.” Mac tucked the key into his pocket. “It seems your father doesn’t trust you to be objective about Grey’s mate. Wonder why he’d think that?”
    Her expression hardened, but not before I saw the hurt betrayal flash across her face. I had no love for Neela, but it must’ve been a terrible thing to know your own father had thrown you under the bus. I knew she would accept no sympathy from me, yet I felt my heart soften a little toward her. She ripped the pillow in half and dropped it at Mac’s feet. Without another word, she turned on her booted heel and strode away.
    Mac scooped up the pillow debris. “She took it better than I thought.”
    “The imputation against Belle stands?” asked Grey.
    “Unfortunately. The circumstantial evidence is thin, but the witness testimony is strong. Together, it’s enough to support the charge.” Mac offered me an empathetic smile. “I’m sorry your first introduction into our pack is a first-hand experience with our justice system.”
    “The best way to learn it,” I said.
    He laughed. “Yes, I suppose so.” He gestured toward the door. “It’s time. I’m afraid the door will have to remain locked so long as you are considered a prisoner. Grey has his two-way radio to communicate with us.”
    “I won’t be here during the day,” said Grey. “But I will be with you every night until this nightmare is over.”
    “Oh?” I said with an arched brow. “And when I’m free, where else do you plan to spend your nights?”
    For a moment, he looked nonplussed—especially when the other men laughed. Then Grey offered me a wolfish grin. “Let me rephrase. I will be with you every night for the rest of our lives.”
    “Clarification is the key to communication,” I said.
    “Indeed,” said my husband.
    I swear we shared a tender moment—given the softness of Grey’s smile.
    “All right then. No use lollygagging about.” I turned to Colt. “Thank you for being my advocate.”
    “It’s my honor. Do you need anything?” asked Colt.
    I glanced at Grey and saw him watching me with such a hungry, hungry look. I felt a little flutter in my belly. “I have all that I need.”
    Grey smiled.
    I said good-bye to the men and entered my prison. Grey stayed outside, apparently wanting a private conversation.
    Neela hadn’t been kidding about the five-star hotel. Even when I was attending college, I had never been in such a fancy space—and this was a prison.
    The bed was large, a king-sized no doubt, and much like the one in our honeymoon den, it was covered with thick blankets and a mountain of pillows. It looked comfortable and ready for an exhausted couple to fall dream-first into it.
    But I knew Grey wasn’t interested in sleeping.
    Frankly, neither was I.

    T O THE LEFT of the bed was a small table with two chairs. It looked expensive, like something an interior designer had accidentally left behind. A bowl of fruit, a tray of various nuts, and, sweet mercy, a multi-tiered dessert display with chocolate truffles and mini-cakes made up the gastronomic treasures.
    My belly rumbled, and I realized the only meal I’d consumed today was the sandwich, apple, and glass of tea that Aunt Lila had brought to me after Grey had scented me and left.
    The clang of the door shutting had me whirling around. The heavy iron key squealed as it locked us into the prison.
    “You should eat.” Grey crossed the room. “I wasn’t sure what you liked, Belle, so I had Aunt Lila choose for us.”
    “It all looks wonderful. I do have a fondness for sweets.”
    “You wouldn’t know it to look at you,” he said. “You appear malnourished. Don’t you eat?”
    I knew

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