Building Faith (Long Beach Series Book 2)

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Book: Building Faith (Long Beach Series Book 2) by Dani Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani Matthews
    “I’m very much interested in this conversation.”
    I’m saved from replying when I hear something being set on the table. I look up and see that our pizzas have arrived. Relief sweeps through me when the topic is dropped, and we dig into our meal. We are both silent for a little while as we enjoy the pizza.
    “So, haven’t you ever gotten yourself off?”
    I nearly choke on the pizza I’m chewing. I manage to swallow it down while I hastily grab a napkin and wipe my mouth before giving him an exasperated look. “You don’t give up, do you?”
    Ace pushes his empty plate aside, his attention focused intently on me. “Nope. So, have you?”
    God he’s pushy. I glare at him and say in a rush, “I’m not doing it right or something. Happy now?”
    “You’re serious when you say you’ve never experienced an orgasm,” Ace says slowly, and I can't even begin to decipher the odd expression on his face.
    I go back to eating my pizza since I'm not in the mood to reply.
    “Are you telling me you want to have sex with some random guy to experience an orgasm?”
    “If I can ever work up the nerve, yes,” I admit, knowing he won’t leave the topic alone until I answer his question.
    Thankfully, Ace falls silent for a bit, his expression almost thoughtful as I finish my pizza. Once we exit the restaurant, I’m surprised when Ace drives us back to the beach.
    “What are we doing?” I ask as he locks up the Hummer and leads me through the sand and down to the water.
    “Swimming in the ocean,” he tells me.
    “In the dark?” I ask doubtfully as I gaze out at the darkened water. A shiver of apprehension slithers through me. There are things in there. Like sharks and fish.
    “But I don’t have a swimsuit.”
    “Your bra and underwear will work just fine,” I hear him say as I hear the sound of rustling fabric.
    I turn my head and stare. He’s pulled off his shirt, and in the moonlight I can see his sculpted chest. He has his jeans off before I can comprehend he’s stripping. Oh my… He stands there in just a pair of tight briefs, and I feel my panties dampen. Ace is…he’s… If I were a confident woman—especially where my body is concerned—I’d be launching myself at him and demanding he take me now.
    The fact that he’s got me wanting to take the initiative has me shocked. I’ve never felt this way before. Is this what sexual attraction is?
    Ace walks up to me, and even in the shadowy moonlight, I can tell he’s amused by my reaction. “Off with your clothes,” he says playfully, reaching out to tug on the hem of my shirt.
    His nipple piercings are eye level now, and my body hums with an alertness I’ve never experienced. The fact that he’s standing in front of me almost naked has me pushing aside my fears and doing as he asks. How do you tell a guy like him no? My halter top is tight as I tug at it, and Ace grabs the bottom and helps me pull it over my head.
    At first I am self-conscious of the simple, white strapless bra, but then I shrug it off when I realize he can’t see me all that clearly. If I can’t see Ace, with the exception of the shadowy outline of his body and the glinting of his nipple piercings, then he can’t see the fine details of my body, either. He stands back, and I shimmy out of my shorts. The panties I have on today are also white, but they are at least lacy rather than plain. I know I’m not much to look at, but since we’re in the dark, I try to let go of my insecurities.
    “We're going swimming so you can mark it off your list, Angel,” Ace tells me as his hand wraps around mine. He tries to tug me towards the water, but my feet won’t budge. He peers at me with puzzlement. “What’s wrong?”
    “There could be sharks out there,” I say nervously as I look out at the water.
    “They don’t come this close to shore.”
    I so don't believe him. “Close enough. There are shark attacks every year, Ace.”
    “I promise you, a shark

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