Building Faith (Long Beach Series Book 2)

Free Building Faith (Long Beach Series Book 2) by Dani Matthews

Book: Building Faith (Long Beach Series Book 2) by Dani Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani Matthews
something new, add it to the list.”
    “That’s a really good idea,” I agree as I glance at him to smile.
    Ace nods at the paper. “Fill it up.”
    I pick up the pen and pull the paper closer in front of me. I purse my lips for a second before I begin to write.
    1. Tattoos.
    Just the thought of covering my scars has me grinning from ear to ear. I hate the evidence of what Justin did to me, and I’ve been trying to hide it this past year. Tattoos would hide them, and maybe give me back some confidence when it comes to wearing certain shirts. The old knife wounds are scattered, so I’d either need a very large tattoo or a bunch of little ones. That’s not something I have to figure out right now though, so I move on to the next one.
    2. Cut hair.
    I like my hair long, but so had Justin. He never wanted me to cut it, which makes me want to cut it all the more.
    3. Pet-preferably a kitten.
    We never had pets growing up since my brother is allergic to pet dander. But since he’s not here…
    When my hand moves to write down my fourth, I hesitate slightly. I peek up at Ace and see that he’s watching something or someone across the room, so I quickly write down sex. I can feel my face flaming, and I quickly work on the rest of the list.
    5. Bungee jump.
    6. Swim in the ocean.
    7. Go to college—eventually.
    8. Buy a car.
    9. Ride a motorcycle.
    My pen hovers over the paper, and I realize I’m stumped. I don’t know what else to write, my mind is drawing a blank.
    “You can’t be done already.”
    I look at Ace sheepishly. “I’m sure I’ll think of more in the coming days.”
    “Let me see.” He plucks the sheet out of my hand before I realize he’s stolen it.
    “Wait!” I say desperately, mortification washing over me at the thought of him seeing number four on my list.
    Ace ignores me as he scans the list. When his eyes abruptly halt to focus on something intently, I know he’s staring at the little three letter word I'd written. I’m sure even my ears are turning red. His gray eyes lift to mine, clearly puzzled. “Sex? You’ve had sex, haven’t you?”
    Oh my God. Someone kill me now. “Yes, I have,” I mutter as I look around with embarrassment to make sure no one’s paying attention to our conversation. I’m in luck. Those at the tables closest to us are engrossed in their own conversations.
    Ace's eyes narrow slightly, his eyebrows drawing together as he tries to understand why I put it on the list. “So you just want sex? Like casual sex?”
    “Um…” I chew my bottom lip.
    His eyes drop to my lower lip briefly before he gives me a determined look. “Out with it. You don’t want me to filter what I say to you. Don’t do it to me.”
    I release a resigned sigh, knowing he has a point. I can’t look at him as I make my confession, so I stare at the checkered pattern of the table cloth. “I’ve never…you know.”
    “Never what?” I hear him ask with bewilderment.
    “You know!” I hiss while wanting to smack him across the head for being so dense.
    “You’ve just told me you’ve had… Oh. Are you referring to an orgasm?”
    “SHHH!” I’m downright horrified as I look up and anxiously scan the restaurant before my eyes reluctantly focus on Ace. Darn him. Why do we even have to have this conversation?
    Something simmers in his gaze, and it causes goose bumps to appear on my arms. “Was your ex that much of a dick that he never got you off?”
    I can’t believe I am sitting here talking about sex with Ace of all people. There’s no escaping him, so I answer the question hesitantly. “I…I’m not sure. I…liked it, but people kind of make a big deal about…you know. I’ve never felt anything that…” I bite my lip.
    “Say it,” Ace says with a suddenly devilish smile.
    “Say what?”
    “Orgasm,” he says slowly and distinctly, his gray eyes glinting.
    My face drops into my hands, and I wish the floor would open up and swallow me whole. “Can we not discuss this

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