Surrender to Temptation Part IV: Tempted to Entice

Free Surrender to Temptation Part IV: Tempted to Entice by Lauren Jameson

Book: Surrender to Temptation Part IV: Tempted to Entice by Lauren Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Jameson
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    An InterMix Book / published by arrangement with the author
    InterMix eBook edition / January 2013
    Surrender to Temptation
copyright © 2013 by Lauren Jameson.
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copyright © 2013 by Lauren Jameson.
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Chapter One
    Zach had done it again.
    I knew that it was slightly irrational, since I was the one who had stormed out of his office, but I had hoped that he would show up at my tiny new apartment, or come by my desk in the accounting office, or even send me a text message. Something to tell me that he was sorry, that it had all been a mistake, and that he wanted to let me in—truly let me in—to his life.
    As the days passed by, five and a half of them, to be precise, I came to understand that an overture from Zach just wasn’t going to happen. The billionaire was nothing if not stubborn and set in his incredibly eccentric ways.
    Crushed as I was, I knew that I needed to pick up the shattered pieces and try to start living my life again. The problem with that plan was that life without Zach in it seemed fuzzy and dull, lacking something important.
    That missing element was Zach. But as long as he ran hot and cold, with those mercurial mood swings giving me whiplash, I didn’t see that I had a choice.
    I remembered the very first time we had met, in the small restaurant in Cambria. He had done it even then, coming on to me only to walk away.
    It was exhausting.
    Listlessly, I tapped away on my computer late in the afternoon of the sixth day. On day five, in a moment of personal crisis, I had stopped into a small clothing store on my way home from work after a sexy, crimson wraparound blouse in the window had caught my eye. That blouse was now wrapped around my own ample curves, and I felt uncomfortable and conspicuous in the

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