A Saint for Life

Free A Saint for Life by Nicole Heck

Book: A Saint for Life by Nicole Heck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Heck
you.” He said shaking my hand. “I see you like Siena basketball?”
    “Yes! I am your biggest fan! See? I am even wearing your shirt!” I unzipped my jacket to show him. He was even taller in person, but he bent down to his knees to level with me.
    “What are you buying?” He asked.
    “Toppings. My sister is treating me to ice cream sundaes today, and I get to pick anything I want to put on it. She just went to get a basket. You have to meet her! She actually goes to Siena. She won’t believe me unless you stay. Please? She will be right back!”
    I wanted Zoe to meet him. Maybe I could invite him over to have ice cream with us. I couldn’t believe I just met Christian Michaels.
    “Gabe, are you okay?” Zoe shouted from down the aisle. His back was to her, so she was probably making sure no stranger was being mean to me. She got nervous like that sometimes.
    “Look who it is!” I yelled. Christian stood up and turned around.
    “Zoe?” Christian stuttered.
    I curled my lips in and my eyebrows sank into my skin. I thought to myself, “how did Christian know my sister’s name?” She didn’t tell me she knew him!
    “How are you feeling? Sorry about last night,” Christian said.
    “How did he know you were sick?” I asked out loud. “You’re friends with him and never told me? How could you? Wait. Is this your secret?” I whispered.
    “I was supposed to take your sister out last night,” Christian replied to Gabe.
    “I’m sorry, but we have to get going,” Zoe said in a weird tone. I don’t know why she wanted to leave so quickly. Didn’t she know who we were talking to?
    “But wait! If you were supposed to hang out last night, maybe he can come over today since you are feeling better!”
    “That’s not a good idea,” Zoe replied quickly and put her hands on the back of my wheelchair to push me away.
    “Why not?” I asked, looking up at her.
    “Yeah, why not?” Christian agreed. He was smirking and gave me a wink.
    “I…I…” Zoe hesitated.
    “I can come over and bring more toppings for those sundaes! I was actually about to buy some peanut butter ice cream too, so you will have two flavors to choose from.” Christian added.
    “Oh my God! I wanted that flavor too! Zoe, can he please come? Pretty, pretty please?” I whined. When I started to whine, Zoe always gave in, especially if we were in public. She didn’t want to make a scene.
    “I don’t know. He’s probably busy.”
    “I’m not. I have no plans today, actually,” he replied.
    “See?” I said, trying to get a response out of Zoe.
    Zoe stared at Christian for a while before finally agreeing and giving him our address. Wow! Today is going to be so much fun. I can’t believe Christian Michaels will be coming over to my house! For a moment I forgot my body had even been aching today. I forgot how sick I was. This was like a dream come true. The person I’ve dreamed about being when I’m older was going to be hanging out with me.
    How could Zoe not tell me she was friends with him?

    Gabe didn't stop talking the entire car ride home from the store. I would be naive to say that I wasn't expecting him to act this way. Was it selfish of me for trying to avoid this? As much as I loved seeing Gabe this animated, I was trying to prevent the inevitable from happening. If Christian left our lives, it would destroy Gabe. He didn't seem like the type of guy to want to be involved in the kind of life I lived.
    Watching out the window, I stared blankly out at the driveway. He texted me a few minutes ago to let me know that he was on his way. I had no idea what to expect out of tonight. I panicked.
    “Gabe, I’m going upstairs for a minute. If he gets here, let him in?”
    “Of course!” Gabe shouted excitedly. He hadn’t left the living room since we got home.
    I ran upstairs to my bathroom. Gripping both sides of the sink, I looked down and closed my eyes. Taking a few deep

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