Surviving the Pack
new mate.  “Sasha stormed in here demanding to be my mate…again.  I informed her I wasn’t interested, she upset my real mate and here we are.”
    Bailey shoved, elbowed and stomped on Paul finally able to work her way around him.  “You didn’t explain why she’s covered in vomit while you’re standing here alone with a half-naked woman and no mate in sight.  What did you do?”
    Dante put his palms up in front of him and sent her his most innocent look.  “Hey, I’ll admit to throwing up on her; I must have eaten something bad before bed.”  He pointed at a still heaving Sasha, “but she’s the one who pissed Katarina off.”
    Bailey cocked her hip and eyed her brother.  “Is that why you’re covered in water and we heard her shouting at you?  We need to have a conversation soon.”  Bailey pointed at Sasha, “You.  Get out.  If you know what’s good for you you’ll stay away for a while.”  Bailey pushed her to the door and gave her a gentle nudge out.
    Bailey was on a roll, “Paul will you call her family to come get her?”
    When Bailey tried to round on Dante he put his hand out.  “Don’t Bail’s, I’ve had a shitty evening and I don’t want to hear a lecture.  I’m going to bed.”
    Bailey’s huff was cut short when Katarina came sauntering in with a rolling suitcase still smelling like mating and sex. 
    Katarina kept her eyes averted from Dante the whole time and he expressed his discomfort with a continuous low growl.  “Since he’s going to bed will you please take me to the bus station?  I’d like to get an early start tomorrow.  I’ve called Jake and he’s expecting me.”
    The growl broke and Dante appeared livid.  “So you’re just gonna run?  You’re afraid, Katarina?”
    She looked up; her eyes were dry but held all the anguish she must be feeling.  “Yes, mighty alpha, I’m scared.  I was promised protection if I played by the rules.  Yet, I’ve been placed in a sweet stupor by you and your kin as well as used as a chew toy by several of your pack.  Not to mention the fact that you mauled me not even an hour ago and continually use me as your horny wolf sex reliever.  So, yes, I want to leave.  I’d rather be judged and talked about behind my back than stay and deal with…this.  Good luck with your pack.”
    Katarina broke eye contact with Dante and began walking to the front door when Bailey, the tricky bitch, pushed in front of her blocking the way.  The bear in Katarina knew she could best the wolf but she didn’t relish hurting her.  She walked over to the phone and dialed Jake, “It’s Katarina.  Your right they won’t let me go.  Please come pick me up-”
    The click of the phone disconnecting was disturbing and infuriating, especially because Dante held the receiver with a shit eating grin.  Katarina chose not to engage in any conversation because clearly these were some crazy ass wolves.  It would be best to limit further interactions.  Positioning herself back at the door Bailey again blocked the way.
    “I know we seem crazy but-“
    Katarina didn’t allow her to finish, swatting her to the side like she was a bug, smiling when she slammed into the couch.  “Be lucky I like you or I would have let the claws out.  Don’t attempt to block me again, bitch.  I’ve had too many wolves threaten me and my people.  Back off!”
    Bailey sat sideways with her feet up on the back of the couch and her head on the arm of the couch.  She could hear Paul’s furious roar from the entryway and she put her hand on her stomach.  “It’s fine, Pauly, I’m fine.”
    Katarina’s brows furrowed.  “Why wouldn’t you be fine?  I barely touched you.  Are you that fragile of a person?”
    Paul rushed towards Bailey and went on his knees in front of her.  He ran his hands all over her body finally coming to rest on the gentle curve of her abdomen.  “Are you sure?  I’ve never murdered a bear but I will.”
    Bailey smiled

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