Just A Bit Of Trust (Constel·lación #1)

Free Just A Bit Of Trust (Constel·lación #1) by Noma-Tee Thompson

Book: Just A Bit Of Trust (Constel·lación #1) by Noma-Tee Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Noma-Tee Thompson
important man in your world; naturally, I assumed that is something you are used to."
    "You would think so." Vivian's eyes shadowed with sadness. How could someone get used to that? Just because someone was famous, it didn’t mean that their privacy was thrown out the window.  Having an abusive and controlling father was hard enough, pretending to be happy in the public eye when your life was falling apart was even harder. No one left her alone. No matter how antisocial she got, the paparazzi loved to stalk her. Sometimes it was so hard to keep her sneer remarks that reflected the disgust resonating from the depths of her soul. Princess Diana was proof of that. “The media on Mother Earth is not as forgiving.They stalk and harass you just to get any information from you.”
    “You would never have to go through that in Constel·lació. We do not have what you people call the paparazzi here.”
    “I hope so.” Vivian stood up, took the champagne bottle that she had taken with her from Mother Earth, ”Excuse me.”, And she walked out of the dining room.
    Didac had smelt the change in her mood, so did everyone in the room. Didac was happy that she was finally opening up. What had gone wrong? His eyes followed her as she exited and everybody tried not to look. His first inclination was to follow her, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. His eyes moved to the hand up to his sister’s eyes. Cautionary advice was written all over them.
    “You have to leave her alone,” Annais warned him.
    “I can feel her pain. She needs me right now.”
    “What she needs is time alone to think.”
    “Okay.” Didac half-heartedly agreed. His friends were looking at him with sympathy in their eyes. They understood the power of the mating fever, but at the same time aware of the circumstances that had brought them together and how Vivian felt. Nobody spoke.

Chapter 8
    Solitude, as it turned out was underrated. Champagne and her on her wedding night and boom, it transformed into Instant Private Party . Her day was getting better and better with each sip. She felt all warm and bubbly inside. Vivian sat on the twin bed in Didac’s room with nothing on except her underwear and veil with a bottle of champagne in her hand.
    What was going to happen now?
    Her eyes quickly scanned the contents of Didac’s room. It was beautiful in its simplicity. It was one big room with a large computer screen embedded in the wall and a sink, a fridge and what appeared to be stove was just beside it. And just less than a foot away there was a small circular counter with at least three red bar stools and right on the counter, there appeared to be a control console. On the left, there was a small contemporary couch and behind it, on the wall, there was a bed she was sitting on. She glanced at the bed a second time. It looked big enough for both of them, but small by all standards with legs made of metal that were embedded with the ship just like the bar stools and the counter.
    The door opened, and Didac stepped in. As if sensing her mood, he just turned around, removed his shirt to place it on the chair. As he unbuckled his leather pants, Vivian took a tentative glance at his broad back, her eyes sweeping over the golden expanse of his smooth and flawless skin. To her disappointment, he left his underwear on and moved towards the bed and sat next to her. “You need to rest.”
    Just hearing Didac talk made her emotional, she started crying, the gravity of the day’s events finally sinking in.” "I don’t know what's wrong with me; I just can’t stop crying."
    Didac took in Vivian’s appearance. The veil she had on was askew, and her cheeks were flushed. He tried to keep his eyes away from her ample breasts. He took the bottle of champagne from her hand and put it on the nightstand. Spirits made people emotional. ”You are inebriated.”
    Didac was all too familiar with drinking spirits. Obviously, she did it to improve her mood. Now that

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