Against the Rules

Free Against the Rules by Tori Carson

Book: Against the Rules by Tori Carson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tori Carson
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
“Where’d you learn that?” he asked. He obviously owed someone a huge thank you. “No, don’t tell me. I might have to kill him.”
    Her naughty chuckle sent darts of aftershocks all the way to his toes. “You taught me.”
    “I watched your expressions and followed your cues,” she answered shyly.
    “Damn, I’m good,” he announced with dramatic pride.
    Channy dissolved into a fit of giggles that melted his heart. God, I’m in deep shit. He picked her up and toweled her off before tucking her into his bed. She looked good there. Like she belonged.
    “Yes, darlin’?” He wrapped an arm around her as she snuggled against his chest.
    “I didn’t expect it to really be like this. I mean… Is it…? I don’t know how to ask this… Is it always like this?” She was sliding her fingers between the hairs on his chest.
    He wasn’t sure where she was headed with this conversation and he needed to cut it off before she started hearing wedding bells. “You’re a submissive. Your body responds to dominance.” Damn it all. How can I tell her the fireworks between us are normal and not be struck dead by lightning for telling such a whopper?
    “If you’re asking if sex between all Doms and subs is as explosive as that… No. We seem to have similar kinks and more than a little chemistry.” Seeing the pride and expectancy in her eyes twisted his gut. It didn’t matter how hot the sex was, this had to end. “As you scene with other Doms, you’ll find you mesh better with some than others.”
    For a moment, she tensed in his arms, confirming his fears. Little Red had been thinking further down the road than just this weekend.
    He was such an asshole. He should have sent her packing, but one night wasn’t enough. Hell, the weekend wasn’t going to be either, but at the end of it, he’d find some way to let her walk out of his life.
    As he assumed the spooning position, she wiggled her butt, fitting it tight against his groin. Like a proper soldier it came to attention. Teague gave her cute little ass a whack just for fun. “Behave yourself. We’ve gone through an entire box of condoms. If you’re a good girl, I’ll let you sleep in while I hit the store first thing in the morning.”
    She wiggled a bit more before telling him, “I thought I was being good!”
    “Oh no, baby. You’re better than good.”

Chapter Five
    Chantel was slow to wake up. Her body was deliciously sore. As the light shone through the window, she began to examine her actions. Sleeping with a man she knew virtually nothing about—not once, but more times than she could remember—was definitely an ‘OMG’ moment if ever she’d had one. She rolled over and buried her face in the pillow. His pillow, in his bed. What had she been thinking?
    From outside she heard a car door slam, the engine rev to life and the car driving off down the road. Then she remembered his comment, ‘We’ve gone through an entire box of condoms. If you’re a good girl, I’ll let you sleep in while I hit the store first thing in the morning.’ Obviously, he was out buying more. Holy crap, what was she doing?
    Chantel flung herself from the bed. She was in so much shit. She simply didn’t do things like this. She looked around the room and couldn’t find a single piece of her clothing, but she did find a button-down shirt thrown over the chair back.
    Once she had covered herself, the panic became manageable. So, she didn’t know much about him. She knew he wasn’t married or dating anyone. She knew he worked for a reputable company. And she knew he treated her like no man had ever treated her before.
    Besides, if she was honest with herself, she knew she’d do it all again in a heartbeat. Okay, the only viable solution was to learn more about him. With that in mind, she began a thorough but quick search of his home.
    After pulling out drawers, checking in closets and medicine cabinets, she had learned absolutely

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