Second Thoughts
smoothly over the phone.
    When she eventually spoke again, common sense had become a distant memory. Maybe if she met up with her in the cold light of day her feelings would become clear. Were they a reality or a fantasy she’d made up in her head? There was only one way to find out. “Okay, but it will have to be in an hour or so. I’ve got a few things to do first. And Sara, just one coffee, then I’m leaving.”
    “Whatever you say. I’m at the Flynn Hotel along the River Thames. I’ll text you the address.”

Chapter Seventeen
    Bettina put her phone down on the table. I bet she’s with Sara. Though she hoped it wasn’t true, there was no other explanation. Why else would she have her phone switched off? She felt powerless – as if she were on a plane in a nose dive, just waiting for the inevitable.
    She turned to Eli and Scott who sat next to each other as if they were strangers on a train, which was odd seeing as they normally acted like teenage love birds. Perhaps they’ve been arguing .
    Eli met her eyes and for the first time Bettina noticed the red rim around them, as if she’d been crying all night. “Are you okay?” she mouthed to her as Scott turned his attention to the Sunday paper.
    Eli’s jaw tightened as she nodded. “Are you?” she mouthed back.
    Bettina smiled trying to act as if she didn’t have a care in the world despite feeling like everything was falling apart around her. Twenty-four hours ago, things were going according to plan and now – she was waiting for the storm she knew was on its way.
    “Melissa’s phone’s still turned off.” She bit the inside of her cheek. Why the hell had that woman returned when she was so close to achieving everything she wanted with Melissa? Was this karma coming back to bite her on the behind?
    Scott looked up and smiled at her sympathetically. “I’m sure it’s nothing serious. She most probably got an onslaught of customers wanting to try out her new coffee range.”
    “I’ve called the shop. No one’s picking up in the office,” she said lightly. “Shall we tuck in? I’m sure she’ll be back any minute.” She gestured for them to eat, reaching over to fill their glasses with ice water.
    “So bride-to-be, are you getting nervous about your big day,” Scott asked, putting the paper to one side before piling salad onto his plate and looking at her with a grin.
    Bettina stabbed a piece of chicken and bit into it, chewing it slowly before finally speaking. “You know I always thought I would. But I’m not in the slightest. I can’t wait for it to all be over if I’m honest.” Especially now Sara was back. If Sara had told Melissa the truth there might not be a wedding taking place at all.
    Scott rested his knife and fork on his plate. “So now the hen nights are over, no more partying for you two aye?”
    Her head thumped as she tried to keep her composure. She didn’t want Eli and Scott to be aware of the upcoming bomb that was about to explode in her face. “Definitely not. Those days are well and truly over for us. I’d feel like a teacher at a school dance. All the women in the bars today are so young.”
    Scott leaned back in his seat. “You’re not quite a dinosaur yet, Bettina.”
    “Well it certainly feels that way sometimes.”
    He smiled at her. “Eli said they all had a great time at the hen do. I’m sure Melissa isn’t quite ready to trade her party shoes for slippers.” He chuckled.
    “I’m afraid that’s not debatable. She’s going to have to be a lot more responsible when the baby arrives.” Panic gripped her. If Melissa found out the truth was she even going to come home?
    Bettina picked up her phone again and pressed redial. “And that includes making sure I can contact her.” Her face turned into a scowl. “I’ve lost count how many times I’ve told her to make sure her phone is charged. Honestly, it’s like dealing with a child sometimes.”
    Eli pushed back her chair and stood.

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