Aaron's Montana Bride (Sweet, Clean Western Historical Romance)(Montana Ranchers and Brides Series)

Free Aaron's Montana Bride (Sweet, Clean Western Historical Romance)(Montana Ranchers and Brides Series) by Maya Stirling

Book: Aaron's Montana Bride (Sweet, Clean Western Historical Romance)(Montana Ranchers and Brides Series) by Maya Stirling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maya Stirling
Tags: Romance, historical 1800s
it from him, their fingers touching briefly.
    The water felt good, cooling the harshness of her throat. Aaron waited until she'd finished drinking before taking the glass from Eva.
    He placed the glass down and looked at her. "The doctor's coming up today to see you," he told her.
    "Doctor!" she exclaimed.
    "You took in a lot of smoke when you were in that room. Even though you weren't there very long," Aaron said.
    "I don't need a doctor," Eva said trying to sit up. Immediately the coughing resumed and she sank back, her eyes widening at him.
    "I'll be the judge of that," Aaron said emphatically.
    "You're not my keeper," she stated firmly. Eva could see that Aaron's gaze was firm and unflinching.
    "I never said I was. It's just that Mrs. Bell and I agree, you need the doctor to check you out. Make sure there's no lasting damage," he said.
    "Mrs. Bell's here?" she asked.
    "She came over with us. Her room is down the hall." Aaron smiled and Eva felt an immediate, subtle, but real change in how she felt. "We've got two housekeepers now. It's turning out to be quite a battle of wills. They've each got their own ideas of how to run a ranch house," he said with a smile.
    "I'll bet. There's only going to be one winner," Eva said.
    "We'll see," Aaron answered.
    "How long have I been sleeping?"
    "About twelve hours. It's nearly lunchtime," Aaron said.
    Eva suddenly felt a surge of anxiety. "I can't stay here long, Aaron. You know that. Don't you," she said firmly.
    Aaron's eyes narrowed and he seemed to search Eva's, judging and evaluating her statement. Then, after a moment he answered her in a decisive but gentle tone of voice. "You're going nowhere, Eva Gillespie. You are going to remain at my ranch until you are fully recovered. There's no way you're going back to that smoke damaged mess, until it's fit for you to live in," he declared, laying a hand on the side of the bed.
    Eva's mouth opened and hung slack and loose for a moment. Had he just ordered her to do something?
    "What do you mean? I can't go back to my own home?"
    "Not until it's safe," Aaron said.
    "What do you mean, safe?"
    "Exactly what I say. We don't know how that fire started. Or who started it," Aaron said. His brows furrowed and his jaw set tight.
    "You think it was started deliberately?" Eva asked.
    Aaron shook his head. "I don't know for sure. All I know is that there was no sign of Jude last night," he said.
    "What do you mean? That Jude set that fire going? That's ridiculous," she said.
    Aaron sighed. "Maybe so. But I'm not taking any chances with you. Not after what you asked me," he said.
    Eva tried to contain her reaction to those words. Of course. That was why Aaron had come back to the Gillespie ranch just at the time of the fire. He'd returned to give her an answer.
    But, what answer?
    She had no idea how she should open up that line of conversation. Was he going to give her an answer right her, right now. It seemed somehow inappropriate, with Eva flat on her back and trying to recover from almost dying in a fire. Had he come back to her last night to tell her that he accepted her offer? Or had he come back to reject it? Eva could only gauge that by the way Aaron had treated her; the urgency he'd shown after bringing her out of the smoke filled house; the tenderness he'd shown her. But she knew she could still be wrong.
    "Aaron. Can I ask you something?" she said.
    Aaron's eyes fixed on her. The blue shimmer of his gaze made her heart flutter. She hesitated.
    Suddenly she heard footsteps in the hall and Mrs. Bell came bounding into the room, her eyes eagerly scrutinizing Eva.
    "You're awake!" the housekeeper ejaculated.
    Aaron looked up and smiled. "She certainly is, Mrs. Bell."
    "What did I tell you. Eva has the spirit of a bronco," Mrs. Bell declared. "There's nothing that will keep her down."
    Eva extended a hand out and Mrs. Bell came to the side of the bed and took Eva's hand in her own. "Eva, my dear. How are you feeling?"
    Eva forced a smile.

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