Secret Desires

Free Secret Desires by Cat Fields

Book: Secret Desires by Cat Fields Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Fields
knew each other’s bodies like the backs of their hands, but their movements suggested the kind of longing that only new couples felt.
    She responded to his touch like she had when they were younger, purring softly like a kitten, arching her back until their torso’s met. 
    He thought she was beautiful, still. Ten years of marriage had not diminished the love he felt for his wife, and tonight he would make it known to her, because in the morning he would be gone.
    She had cried, at first, when he’d told her a week ago. She’d begged him to stay. But he mustn’t. This was something he needed to do.
    His hands caressed her face, gently tracing the outline of her jaw. He leaned closer, their lips an inch apart. The anticipation was more erotic than the act itself, but finally his mouth came down in a warm, lingering kiss.
    Her fingers caressed his hair as she inhaled the smell of his skin. He smelled of cinnamon and spice, something which she’d almost forgotten until this moment. They breathed as one as his fingertips traced along her neck, before he gently encircled her throat. Carefully, he moved her head back to expose the length of her neck. 
    His hand moved down her body, leaving her neck exposed for his lips, which he brushed along her throat. As his lips explored, his hand brushed over her stomach with a delicate touch, leaving her trembling beneath him.
    She’d trembled just the same when he’d begun to pack his bags, tears silently rolling down her cheek.
    ‘I’m sorry,’ he’d said. ‘But I’ll be home soon.’
    ‘How can you be sure?’ she’d replied.
    ‘Because I have you waiting for me.’
    But now, on this last night, there was no tears. Only mouths, hands, and bodies. His hand moved up to cup her full breast, his palm brushing over her erect nipple.  She shuddered beneath him, his slightest touch sending waves of pleasure trembling through her body. His lips moved to her earlobe, and he gently suckled, his warm breath washing over her. His focus moved downward, gently nuzzling her breast. Tongue flicking out, he rolled her nipple into his mouth, before catching it gently between his teeth. She gasped, and sighed, revelling in the attention he provided so willingly. She hadn’t felt this pampered in years. Her nipples became hard and swollen as his tongue danced around them.
    Then, he raised himself onto his hands and towered above her, staring down at her body and taking in her beauty. He simply wanted to admire the sensuality of the woman before him. As his eyed moved over her body, everything inside him screamed with desire for her. His lips found hers again, in an eager kiss, before trailing his lips down her body. He brushed his kisses over her stomach, savouring every inch of her pearlescent skin.
    Her skin was as soft as the day he’d married her, when she was only twenty-two. He recalled the radiant smile she’d given him as she walked down the isle to meet him. Ten years on and she hadn’t aged a day. In fact, he thought her even more beautiful, which made it harder to say goodbye.
    ‘Will you write?’ she’d asked the day before.
    ‘Of course. And I’ll call every day,’ he promised.
    But now was not the time to think about what lay ahead; countless sleepless nights away from home, sandflies, and stray dogs. He’d been trained for this, of course, but being there was another matter entirely.
    Shaking the thoughts aside, he slipped one hand beneath her head, lacing his fingers through her hair, while the other traced the fabric of her panties. She inhaled sharply when his fingertips brushed lightly against her desire.
    Slipping his hand into her cotton panties, his fingers toyed with the trail of soft hair above her womanhood. She curled her fingers around his locks, the anticipation almost too much to bear.
    ‘I want you,’ she breathed. ‘ Now .’
    ‘Slow,’ he replied. ‘There’s no rush. Tonight is about us.’
    Her body calmed at his request, and his fingers

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