
Free BindingCherryBlossoms by Gia Dawn

Book: BindingCherryBlossoms by Gia Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gia Dawn
could declare themselves the winner and she could lavish her favors on them
    As she continued to indulge herself in her erotic thoughts,
she grew uncomfortably aware of Ian as a potential sexual partner. So far,
despite the occasional sting between her legs, she had managed to keep to the
initial parameters of their relationship, appreciating his friendship and
companionship without the messy encumbrance of a physical liaison.
    And her encounters with her teacher at the Red Mask
satisfied her strongest erotic needs. But where her Bakushi was stern
and cold and demanding, Ian was much more fun and entertaining. Why couldn’t
she wrap both men into one?
    Ian was handsome and kept his body in prime condition. She,
on the contrary, was certain she had gained at least ten pounds over the past
couple of years from her fondness for burgers and crispy french fries. Which
spurred her to attack the weight bag with renewed force. If she was going to
fantasize about making love to both men, she was determined they should
fantasize about making love to her.
    By the time they were ready to leave the gym, Sakura had
sweated out any leftover sexual energy. She dropped Ian off at his hotel before
heading home to watch the video and turn her full attention to learning the Tea
Ceremony as quickly as she could.

Chapter Six
    Sakura watched the video for two weeks straight, growing
more and more fascinated with the mysterious woman; what she wore, how she
moved, how her hair was styled and her makeup applied.
    She also memorized every utensil in the ceremony, listening
to her teacher’s voice before repeating the names to herself over and over as
the woman picked each item up and used it in the ceremony until Sakura was
finally certain she could pass whatever her Bakushi’s test might be.
    What he had planned for her other studies, she refused to
even consider. It made her body ache with a need that left her sleepless, her
emotions spinning out of control every time she thought of the way he would
force her to submit to his every demand.
    Ian ate lunch with her most every day and took her to the
gym to work off the meal. She was growing to love his easy company, although
she found her parents’ constant inquiries about their relationship both tedious
and nerve-racking.
    No matter how many times she told them there was no marriage
anywhere in sight, they simply bowed their heads and told her not to worry,
that Ian would respect his family and do the proper thing, and that she would
then become their most dutiful daughter and agree to the match out of gratitude
for her upbringing.
    And to make matters worse she had developed a distinct
craving for Kit Kat bars, the plain old American kind. She bought an entire
package of the chocolate and hid it in her desk, gorging herself on the yummy
treat whenever she thought of what the future held.
    By the Saturday she was to meet her teacher at the Red Mask
again, Sakura was in a near panic of stress and expectation, devouring more
chocolate in a single afternoon than she had in the entire month before as she
got ready to face the night ahead.
    “You seeing Ian?” Her mother caught her as Sakura tiptoed
her way downstairs, hoping against hope she could make it out the door without
either of her parents taking notice. “Where he take you?”
    “I’m not seeing Ian, Mama,” Sakura answered, trying to keep
from banging her head against the wall in frustration.
    “Not see Shoji-san?” Aiko caught Sakura by the arm. “Where
you go then? You have lover on the side?”
    “I do not have a lover on the side.” The deliberate lie came
too easily but it could not be helped. If either of her parents had any idea
that she really was sleeping with another man while they were trying to marry
her off to Ian, they would most likely kill her first and ask questions later.
    “You stay home. Wait for Ian to call.” Her mother pointed
back up the stairs. “Go to room and take off that dress. You

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