Seduced by Sin: Sean (Rugged Riders #3)

Free Seduced by Sin: Sean (Rugged Riders #3) by Ambrielle Kirk

Book: Seduced by Sin: Sean (Rugged Riders #3) by Ambrielle Kirk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ambrielle Kirk
mine; it felt like we fit together perfectly. I moved one of my hands to meet his on my waist and moved it lower to my ass. He didn’t pass up my blunt invitation and moved his hands under my skirt so that we were skin to skin. He caressed my panty-less hips, thighs, and ass.
    “I could make love to you right here,” he whispered against my lips.
    “Let’s go inside.” I pulled away from him and unlocked my condo door.
    As soon as he got the door closed, he pulled my dress straps down my shoulders, unfastened my bra, freed my breasts, and was already kissing me there. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me over to the living room and lay me down on the sofa, without pulling our bodies apart. We kissed until our lips were swollen.
    “Karlina, I can’t get enough of you. I’m addicted to you, like a drug. I feel fulfilled, pleased every time I’m with you. I would give up my Twizzlers if I could eat you every day.”
    We both managed to giggle amid the passion.
    He directed the head of his dick to my center.
    “Sean,” I gasped.
    “Karlina, I love you.”
    He plunged himself into me and sent my mind and body to some other level, rendering me speechless.
    After we had both reached climax, we lay enveloped in each other's arms as our breaths regulated and our body temperatures returned to normal. He finally pulled out of me but lay on his side so that we were facing one another on the sofa.
    “Did you really mean that?” I asked.
    “I always mean what I say, Karlina. I promise you, that was no lie or exaggeration. I just wanted you to know, and I’ll prove it to you.”
    “Sean, I…I’ve never said those words to any man.”
    “That’s okay. I don’t want to push you. But I hope that you feel the same way that I feel about you. I’ll give you time, Karlina. If that’s what you need, I’ll give you time. But I want us to work.
    Sean broke the uncomfortable silence by kissing me on the cheek. “Can I start a bath for you?”
    “Only if you join me.” We got up, and I led him into my bedroom.
    My oversized bathtub was just big enough for the two of us to soak in with my back rested against his chest while we enjoyed the jets.
    We sat in silence, and I thought about what had just happened. A man had confessed that he loved me. Those three little words had only been said to me once before. I didn’t want to get caught up in the emotions because I knew all too well that when the feelings were gone, love would soon diminish.
    Oh, yes, we had hot, steamy sex and couldn’t get enough of each other. But what would happen when sex wasn’t enough or no longer desirable, would he love me then? What, then, would happen when the love was gone? Would we drift apart and never hear from each other again? There was no way I would bring another man home to my parents, only to have them disappointed a short time later when we broke up because he wanted something different. It had happened before and I wasn’t going through it again.
    What about the things that I didn’t know about Sean? A man with everything going for him was in love with me. Me? Why was he single? He was handsome, he was wealthy, he was smart, he had a dick to die for, and he was a very generous lover. Was he too good to be true, or was he just everything that I needed?
    I turned around and looked at Sean. He had his eyes closed, but he opened them the instant the water moved around us.
    “Were you sleeping?” I asked.
    “Oh, gosh, yes…I’m so tired,” he said. Of course, he was. Sean may be a lot of things, both good and maybe even bad, but he was also a very hard worker. And hard workers deserved a break.
    I lifted myself out of the bathtub. “Come on, let’s get dry before we both catch a cold.”
    After I had toweled myself dry, I told him that he could dress in my bedroom and I would be right out to let him out of the building so that he could head home. I quickly smoothed some lotion over my skin before

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