Layers Crossed
importantly, there was no way I’d fail my Cowboy.
    We headed back
to the dining room, and after proper introductions to everyone, we
sat down to eat.
    “Is he your
boyfriend?” Jack asked out loud, pointing to Eric.
    “No, Jack.
Eric’s a client.”
    “Can he be
your boyfriend? He gives good piggy back rides.”
    He does
    Eric simply
shrugged and Jack continued. “I heard Mamma say to Auntie Allie
phat you need a man who can give it pho you so good phat you’ll
stop looking for a wooser.”
    “Jack!” Kendra
interrupted him. “You need to stop eavesdropping and twisting
Mommy’s words, honey.”
    Julian frowned
at his wife, and I couldn’t help but giggle.
    “Some things
never change in this house.” My father laughed out loud. “Too bad
you can’t remember how you were, Em. I think Jack takes after you
more than anyone.”
    “What do you
need to give her phat’s so good?” Jack’s attention was now on
    “Ok, Jack. I
think it’s bath time for you, little man.” Kendra moved his chair
    “It’s all
right,” Eric said. “What do you think it is, Jack?”
    “I think it’s
chocolate. Chocolates always works on Mamma when she’s upset, and
Daddy says he’ll melt the chocolate and lick…”
    “Jack!” This
time Kendra covered her son’s mouth as he tried to mumble the final
words from underneath it.
    Everyone at
the table burst out in laughter. This certainly felt like the good
old days. At one point, Eric’s arm rested over the back of my
chair. This subtly possessive way in which he made me feel like we
were a couple (which of course we weren’t) was certainly something
that I hadn’t expected. Did I want more from him than I could take?
Yes, of course I did! This man spiked my hormone levels to new
heights just by looking at me. His body, his demeanor,
old-fashioned yet understandable ways, and his scent. I found the
proximity of him excruciatingly painful because I couldn’t actually
touch him. He had my head spinning and heart hammering out of
control. Why was he affecting me this way? What was it about him
that made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside? I mean, I’d dated hot
men before, but none of them seemed as down-to-earth and as
comfortable with me as Eric was.
    “So, Eric.
Emma seems not to want to share anything about your case. Why is
there a need to fly out west?” Tristan asked.
    Here comes
the interrogation I was waiting for, I thought.
    “If Emma
thinks there is, I trust her. And I appreciate her confidentiality
and discretion.”
    “You two seem
to be clicking the right way,” my brother continued. I knew exactly
what he was referring to. He’d seen the chemistry between the two
of us. I couldn’t hide it, and neither could Eric.
    “We do. I
think this partnership will work out quite well. And I already know
we’ll have a great friendship even after this case is done. Emma’s
a very confident woman with intelligence that’s difficult to find.
Thank you for assigning her to me.”
    Julian’s jaw
tensed by a fraction. I was sure it was because of the way Eric had
said I’d been assigned to him.
    “Emma’s one of
the best we’ve got. She’ll do a great job,” Mrs. Cross said. “And
you seem like a man who will keep her safety in mind.”
    “I wouldn’t
let anything happen to her. You have my word on that, ma’am.”
    “I’m quite
capable to take care of myself,” I said, but no one seemed to have
heard me.
confidence likes to get the better of her lately, and she’s been
quite adventurous.”
    “Hello, I’m in
the room, you guys,” I said.
    “Her free
spirit is what makes her perfect for the job,” Eric defended.
    “All right, if
you guys are done with the inquisition, I’d like to go home and
pack up. Mom, Dad, thank you for a wonderful dinner.”
    As soon as I
pulled my chair back, Eric stood up, and my brothers’ jaws dropped
to the floor at the gesture. I picked up a few empty plates

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