Revenant in Training (Blood and Snow series)

Free Revenant in Training (Blood and Snow series) by Rashelle Workman

Book: Revenant in Training (Blood and Snow series) by Rashelle Workman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rashelle Workman
    Chapter 1
    “Y ou are a revenant,” I said to my reflection. Even she wasn’t buying it. I didn’t appear any different. It’d been two hours, seventeen minutes, and — I checked my watch—eight seconds since the guy with glowing red eyes sunk his extra pointy c ani nes into my throat. One hour , forty-five minutes, and twelve seconds since Professor Pops, and Kenmei told me what being bitten meant . Was I worried I’d grow fangs, and start shunning the light? A little bit.
    According to Kenmei, th at wasn’t going to happen. At least not in this phase. Over the next several weeks , I’d gain strength, agility, and a penchant for blood.
    Ya y, I thought sarcastically , gagging.
    Professor Pops and I were still at Kenmei’s. Little, obnoxious Hiro had gone to bed. I didn’t feel tired, not really. From my expression , clearly I was in shock. No one could blame me . It wasn’t every night I was bitten and changed into a make- believe being. Only apparently they- we weren’t make believe. Evidently revenants exist ed, as did vampires, fairies, unicorns , and … other creatures I’d rather not think about.
    I turned o n the faucet in the bathroom, pat ted some water on my face . The cool temperature soothed.
    “Snow, are you alright?” Professor Pops asked, after knocking on the door lightly .
    I jumped.
    My first thought was, No! I’m freaked beyond my wildest imagination, and I want to go home , and hide under the covers . Out loud, I said, “Yes, I’ll be out in a minute.”
    I washed my hands, and turned out the light. He waited f or me on the other side . I knew because I heard the slightly accelerated beating of his heart. A twisting need rose in my throat . But I pushed the wanting down, t he craving, tolerable. Resting my hand on the knob, I turned slowly.
    The first thing Kenmei gave me, after the revenant revelation, had been an herbal tea, which consisted of Chapparral, Red Clover, Bloodroot, Mistletoe, Eye of Newt, Unicorn horn, and Fairy dust. It didn’t taste the best , but it was bearable .
    Professor Pops had explained I needed to drink the tea twice a day , once in the morning, and once in the evening, to control my bloodlust. 
    I still had a hu ndred questions. The biggest: “Why me?” I asked as I opened the door.
    Pops stepped back . Then cleared his throat. “Com e and sit. Let’s talk.” A sea of guilt washed over his distinguished features , but before I said anything, he turned away.
    I followed him into the tiny office. A bowl of steaming rice and vegetables sat in front of my chair, on the edge of the desk. “Is this for me?” I hoped so. My stomach growled with hunger .
    “Yes, Shiryo-san. I had my wife cook these up for you. I hope you’re hungry.” His fathomless eyes shone bright.
    “Thank you.” I scooped up the bowl, and ate with the fork provided. It s aroma had my mouth watering, but the flavors fell flat. After I’d finished, I placed the empty bowl on the table, satiated, but not satisfied. I also realized I’d eaten in silence, and that Professor Pops, and Kenmei watched me, expectantly. My cheeks flushed.
    “Sorry, were the two of you going to eat?” They didn’t have food in front of them .
    “No, we are curious as to how you ’re feel ing ?” Professor Pops asked.
    My face grew hotter. Did they want to know if I intended to jump them? Attack them for their blood? At the thought of blood, my mouth water ed . I ignored it. “ I’m fine,” I said to Profe ssor Pops. Facing Kenmei, I added , “ The food was wonderful . Please tell your wife I said, ‘thank you.’” I’d lied. The rice and vegetables had tasted like ash, but I had the distinct impression it wasn’t because of his wife’s cooking skills, and more that my body had already begun to change.
    He nodded. “I will.”
    “Now, let me answer your question, ” Professor Pops said, crossing one of his long legs over the other.
    I peered at him , slightly confused.
    “You asked

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