Covet: Trusting the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife Book 4)

Free Covet: Trusting the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife Book 4) by Charlotte Rose

Book: Covet: Trusting the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife Book 4) by Charlotte Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Rose
    “Who are you texting?” I mumble.
    He doesn’t respond for a while as he reads his cell phone screen. An adrenaline rush causes me to shoot up and grab his phone from him. I gasp when I read the text message:
    I miss you baby. When will I see you again?
    “Oh my God, who is she?” I scream.
    “Cheryl, baby, it’s a mistake,” he quickly responds.
    My heart rises up to my throat and I’m suddenly trembling.
    “You’re cheating on me?” I yell.
    Julian tries to take back his phone, but I stride toward the house, firmly gripping the phone in my hand.
    He rushes after me. “Cheryl, stop, let me explain.”
    “How could you do this to me?” I scream at the top of my lungs.
    “Cheryl, please,” Julian calls.
    “I can’t believe this,” I scream. An unstoppable stream of tears rushes down my cheeks, blurring my vision as I run into the house. It feels like my heart has been stabbed with a sharp blade—the pain is unbearable.
    Julian runs after me into the living room and sets down our son.
    “You’re cheating on me,” I scream, tears streaming endlessly down my face. “You’re fucking cheating on me.”
    “Cheryl, stop,” Julian commands loudly. “Let me explain.” He approaches me, but I put my hands on his chest and shove him back as hard as I can.
    “I fucking hate you, how could you do this to me?” I scream hysterically. “I thought that we were going to settle down. I thought that after all we went through, you really loved me.” I say all this through bursts of tears, whimpers, and sobs.
    “Let me explain, Cheryl,” Julian says, looking annoyed.
    I’m so angry, if I had the strength I would punch him, knock him out, but instead I shove him back as hard as I can.
    “There’s nothing to explain, I saw the text message. You fucking cheater, you fucking liar, I fucking hate you,” I yell at the top of my lungs.
    “Enough, Cheryl,” he yells. “I don’t know who it’s from.”
    “I don’t fucking believe you,” I scream. “I was so naïve. I am so stupid for loving you. I should have known.”
    “Cheryl, listen to me,” Julian shouts, frustrated.
    “I’m not listening to any more of your bullshit.” I just want to stab him the way he stabbed me, hurt him the way he hurt me. I grab the vase with roses from the coffee table and, with all the strength in my arms, I throw it at him. He ducks just in time; the vase shatters loudly and scatters into a million pieces across the floor.
    Julian rushes for our son and lifts him into his arms. I gasp, suddenly feeling stupid for not noticing that he was in the living room.
    I know I’ve gone mad, but I can’t control myself. I rush toward Julian, trying to rip our son from his arms. Julian frowns but finally lets me take our son.
    Our son starts crying uncontrollably. I rush upstairs and into the master bedroom, where I slam and lock the door. A few minutes later I hear several urgent knocks.
    “Mrs. Stone, Julian says it’s better if I take him right now,” the nanny says from the other side of the door.
    He won’t stop crying, and I realize that it’s better if he isn’t around his crazy mommy for the moment. I open the door and hand him to her before slamming the door shut.
    I fling myself onto the bed and let loose a never-ending stream of tears. I guess my suspicions were right—he is cheating. After everything we’ve been through, after I fell hard for him, after settling down and having a family, he decides I’m not good enough anymore.
    I am startled when I hear several loud knocks at the door.
    “Cheryl, open the door,” Julian commands.
    “Go away,” I say through loud sobs.
    For a while there is silence, then he clears his throat.
    “Some girl has been texting me. I don’t know who it is. I didn’t want to tell you because I knew you would react like this.”
    “I don’t believe you!”
    “It’s probably one of my ex-girlfriends or a woman I’ve fucked in the past,” he explains.
    “Fuck you. I

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