Suddenly Texan

Free Suddenly Texan by Victoria Chancellor

Book: Suddenly Texan by Victoria Chancellor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Chancellor
or fancy clothes, so she hoped this was okay for Cal’s birthday dinner. She also hoped Leo didn’t give her one of those looks that made her wonder what he was thinking. She couldn’t tell if he was simply interested in what she was doing or saying, if he was thinking about his next move or if he was feeling sorry for her. She’d let a few things slip that she should have kept to herself.
    For example, she should have never told him that all her belongings were in her car. That sounded kind of pitiful when she thought about it, but it was her choice to live light. Why burden herself with lots of things when she wasn’t sure where she’d finally settle?
    She had to be careful around him. Math wasn’t his only skill.
    She placed the box of postcards on the desk, ready to look through them later and see if she had any real gems. Rare places, famous photographers or unusual printing techniques could raise the price of any individual card.Also, if it was signed by someone famous, she could market it as an autograph, not just a postcard.
    The box tempted her to start sorting, to take her mind off her brother and her escort for the night, but she knew she didn’t have time. And just then, to emphasize her point, a knock sounded on the door.
    Leo was here. She glanced in the mirror and noticed that her hair had static electricity and her cheeks were too pink.
    Drat. Now she had to go and meet her brother looking like a chafed frizz ball. She ran her fingers through her fine hair and placed her cool hands on her cheeks. Too late to do anything about her looks now.
    She walked quickly to the door. What would Cal think of her? Would he be like Leo, hard to read? Or would he just accept her as someone passing through, someone who’d caught Leo’s attention so he’d brought her to dinner?
    â€œHi,” she said as she pulled the door wide.
    â€œHi, yourself,” Leo said, smiling as he gave her a quick glance. “You look adorable—and young,” he added, his smile fading.
    â€œI’m twenty-six.” And flustered as hell.
    â€œYou look eighteen in that cute little sweater.”
    â€œIt shrunk,” she said, pulling the hem down again. “I couldn’t wait for it to dry naturally last time I washed it.” That had been in Denver, Colorado, which seemed a world ago.
    â€œHmm. I like your hair, too.”
    She ran her fingers through the unruly strands again to try to get them to behave. “I trimmed my bangs.”
    â€œReally?” Leo looked around the room. “Are you ready?”
    â€œYes.” As ready as she was going to get. “I just need the gift.”
    â€œOkay. I hope you’re hungry.”
    â€œYes.” She hoped she wasn’t so nervous that she lost her appetite. The food at Dewey’s was really good and it would be an absolute sin to waste such tender steak. Given her mixed feelings about meeting her brother, maybe she should settle for some soup and crackers.
    â€œYou’ll get to meet a lot of people tonight. A few more friends will be there. James and Sandy Brody for one. I think you met James’s mother at lunch the other day.”
    â€œYes, I did. Caroline Brody, right?”
    â€œThat’s right. And I already told you Toni and Wyatt are coming.”
    â€œRight,” she answered as Leo held open the door.
    â€œI think maybe Cal and Christie are bringing the kids, too, which probably means Darla Maxwell will be there.”
    â€œIs she related to Bobbi Jean Maxwell?”
    â€œDarla is Bobbi Jean’s daughter. She’s Cal and Christie’s nanny and practically a member of the family.”
    â€œOh. Is she married?”
    â€œNo. She’s too busy with their two kids. She used to be a kindergarten teacher, but she works at the Rocking C now.”
    â€œOkay.” Having a nanny would be a great thing for a working woman, especially one who was qualified as a

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