Storm Front (Reunited Hearts)

Free Storm Front (Reunited Hearts) by Rachel Curtis

Book: Storm Front (Reunited Hearts) by Rachel Curtis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Curtis
wouldn’t have traded the sight of Michael kneeling next to the bathtub—wet
and hassled and trying not to laugh—for the world.
she’d cleaned up and dried off, she changed into flannel pajama pants and a
clean t-shirt. She was running out of clothes in her overnight bag. Since they
were stuck here again for the rest of the day, she decided she might as well be
it wasn’t cold out, it was damp in the house, so Michael made a fire in the
second fireplace in the house—in the master bedroom upstairs. Allison made more
tea and soup and grabbed the pack of chocolate cookies.
all camped out in front of the fireplace, eating lunch and playing Monopoly.
felt relaxed and pleased with the way they’d handled the unfortunate
circumstances, even though Michael once again trounced her thoroughly at the
board game. The dog curled up next to the fire to fall asleep, once all the
food had been eaten.
Michael put all of his fake-cash winnings back into the appropriate slots, Allison
went to the bathroom and then stretched out on the bed. With a long groan, she
said, “Is it only four o’clock? This day feels like it’s gone on forever. Maybe
I’ll take a nap.”
neatly folded the board into the box and pressed the lid into place. He glanced
over at her. “That’s one option.”
knew that tone of voice. Despite herself, his textured tone sent a ripple of desire
through her. “You have any other ideas?”
moved smoothly, getting to his feet and then walking over to the bed. He stood
over her for a minute, looking sleek and handsome despite the fact that he was
once again wearing someone else’s clothes.
flush spread from her cheeks down her neck and even farther. Her whole body was
suddenly overly warm as she stared up at his intense blue eyes. They seemed to
smolder, like he might burn her alive.
her wit, she quipped, “Did you want to take a nap too?”
corner of his mouth tilted up, making him even more irresistible, but he didn’t
respond to her teasing. He just lowered himself onto the bed beside her and
captured her mouth in a kiss.
responded immediately, a wash of pleasure overwhelming her at the feel of his
hungry lips and the coiled tension of his body. She stroked his neck and
shoulders, shivering in delight as he moaned into the kiss in response.
relaxed back as he slowly started to take off her clothes. She was both
self-conscious and exhilarated at the way his gaze raked over the naked flesh
he revealed.
her enjoyment was suddenly lessened by an unexpected prickle of guilt. She felt
friendlier with Michael today—nothing intimate, of course, but more than just a
virtual stranger to jump into bed with.
new closeness caused her to feel guilty about the way she’d lied to him the day
before. So, as Michael eased down her pants, she steeled her courage and said,
“Michael, I think there’s something you should know.”
raised himself up, gazing hotly down at her face. “Is there?” He leaned down to
nibble his way down her neck.
arched into his touch in helpless response. “Yeah. I wanted…I wanted…” She
trailed off as his mouth reached the swell of her breasts.
did you want?” he asked, his voice another caress.
wanted to…to tell you about my—” She gasped as his tongue gently flicked her
tight nipple. “My—”
what?” Then his lips closed down around her nipple.
moaned, low and long, as pleasure swallowed her up. She squirmed beneath his
ministrations, completely distracted from her intended confession.
he let her breast slip from his lips, she tried to catch her breath, although
the kisses he trailed along her belly were just as sensual and delicious.
she tried again. “About my…”
face moved lower, until he nuzzled between her legs.
she cried out, as a sudden jolt of pleasure sliced through her

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