What The Heart Wants

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Book: What The Heart Wants by Jessica Gadziala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gadziala
gave him the right to be territorial.
    “Well I’ll save you the embarrassment then. I need to go freshen up,” she said, proud of how strong her voice sounded. “I’ll have Maude refund your money.”
    She turned on her heel and rushed out of the gym before her shaky legs could betray her real feelings.
    The bathroom was empty when she went in, leaning against the cool tile wall, she heard the door open behind her. “You,” she said in outrage as Maude walked past her to reapply makeup in the mirror.
    “Aw girl, don’t go blaming me,” she laughed. “I told you that O’reilly boy was going to be trouble.”
    Anna snorted. “Not as much trouble as Sam Flynn.”
    Maude turned to her, a frown creasing her eyebrows. “Sam Flynn ain’t never been trouble a day in his life. He’s a good man by all accounts. What did he do to you?”
    Anna slipped one of her aching feet out of her shoe, holding it a few inches off the floor and flexing it. “I thought you were like the town psychic,” she grumbled.
    “Of course,” Maude puffed up, insulted. “but honey... ain’t much clear about men and women. And all that sexual energy you and those two boys are giving off is enough to fog even God’s sight.”
    Annabelle shrugged, feeling suddenly very tired even though the night was only half over. “I have to get back,” she said, reaching for the door. “Oh, and you owe Sam a dollar.”
    “That a girl,” Maude laughed, “You’re gonna be fine after all.”
    Anna went back to the gym and found she had mostly occupied dance slots. So when she got to sit out two dances in a row, she realized there was no way Eric and Sam had given up that easily. Across the room at the sign in table, Maude winked at her. She must have been turning them away for her.
    Anna didn’t take comfort in that notion though. The woman had some kind of trick up her sleeve and she knew it was something she would most certainly not enjoy.
    The crowds in the stands lessened and lessened as the elderly got tired and the parents of the young children decided they needed to find their beds.
    The music stopped and a man in his sixties took the stage. He was a burly and strapping man with his silver hair slicked back from his forehead and his immaculate gray suit. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” he started in a clear, booming voice that suggested he was accustomed to public speeches. “For those of you who don’t know me,” he looked around the crowd and she would swear his eyes found hers. “my name is Jonathan Sinclair. I am one of the five founders of this little shindig. We are proud to inform you that we have finally broken the record we have had for four years running. This is fully in credit, I’ve no doubt, to all you lovely ladies,” he smiled and Anna was bawled over by his enigmatic charm. “And now we have the grand finale. Ladies, if you will please join me on stage.”
    All the women climbed on stage, giggling and smiling. She was apparently the only one who was a bundle of nerves. Then each lady was called forward to be bid on in five-dollar increments for one final dance. One by one, the women were led off stage with their dance partners to wait for the band to begin again.
    When her name was finally called, she made her way over to Mr. Sinclair who held an arm out to her. “And now for the lovely Annabelle Goode.”
    He started the bidding and the first was placed by a random townsman and quickly replaced by Sam calling ten. Then almost at the same time, Eric calling fifteen. Then Sam twenty. Eric twenty-five. Back and forth quickly. Everyone’s eyes went back and forth between Sam, Eric, and her. A few women sent her knowing smiles and men shook their heads laughing quietly.
    Mr. Sinclair was looking uncomfortable. He cleared his throat quietly. Fifty. Fifty-five. “There are plenty of lovely ladies left gentlemen…”
    But they weren’t listening.
    Anna felt her face redden as she shifted her feet

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