Nights With Parker

Free Nights With Parker by Alice Tribue

Book: Nights With Parker by Alice Tribue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Tribue
enjoy what’s happening now. I push her, licking faster and pressing down harder on her clit, and her quiet whimpers turn into louder moans. I’m relentless, never letting up, never letting her catch her breath, not even for a moment. She screams when the next climax hits her, and I can tell that it’s bigger than the last. Only when she tenses and tries to push me away do I release her and stop.
    Again, she closes her eyes; her hands cover her face, and her breath comes in short quick pants. I undress faster than I ever have before because I can’t wait to be inside her. In fact, I’ve never wanted to be with anybody the way I want her. For the briefest of moments, I consider not even bothering with a condom. I’m clean, and I’ve never come across a woman this age who isn’t on some form of contraception. I don’t fucking care. I want her that bad, but regardless, I grab a condom from my wallet, quickly tear the package and roll it on. I climb back on the bed, position my knees between her legs, and before she can protest, I’ve grabbed the hem of her shirt and practically ripped it up and over her head.
    “Oliver, wait,” she says, but I only have eyes for her breasts, which are still outside the bra cups. I thank God when I realize the clasp is in the front, and I waste no time in undoing it, watching as the last article of clothing is removed.
    “Oliver, I need you to listen to me.”
    I hear her say the words, but I don’t respond. Instead, I lick and flick each of her tan nipples with my tongue. She moans for me, drawing my attention back to her mouth. I kiss her again, needing to taste her, needing her to taste herself on me, and when I’m sure that I’ve gotten her thoroughly distracted, I line my cock up with her slick opening and plunge in.
    “Fuck.” I grunt, cursing at the conclusion I’ve just come to as she lets out a piercing scream. I’m stuck there suspended over her; both of us wide-eyed, her face registering pain while neither of us is able to move. “You’re a virgin?”
    She doesn’t need to answer because I know it’s true. I’ve never experienced being with a virgin before, but even I’m not that imperceptive. I could feel her barrier tear away as I thrust into her impossibly tight heat.
    “I tried to tell you,” she whispers, and I want to get up, tell her to get dressed, and to get the fuck out. Then I notice her eyes filling up with unshed tears and realize what I’ve done. I take a moment to realize what she’s done, the sacrifice she made because of me.
    Is it a sacrifice if you’re doing it for love…
    That’s what she said earlier, and it hits me hard, harder than I thought it would to see the pain and sadness in her eyes.
    “I’m sorry.” She pushes her hands against my chest in a feeble attempt to get me off her. I know she’s upset and likely embarrassed, but I don’t budge. Instead, I take one look at her and make a choice. It’s probably the wrong choice, but I make it anyway. I’ll worry about the repercussions later.
    “Don’t be sorry,” I try to reassure her. I wipe her tears away then place my forehead against hers, trying to get her to focus on me. “Are you okay?”
    “Yes, I … I think so.”
    I slide my hands up into her hair, and give her a soft kiss, doing my best to make her feel at ease.
    “We’re going to take it slow now, but I need to move. Can you relax for me?”
    She lets out a deep breath and nods her head in confirmation. In response, I begin to place kisses on her neck, her jawline, her cheek, and finally, her mouth. Once I feel her melt into the kiss, I slowly begin to move again, careful not to go too fast at first. She breaks the kiss and her eyes shut tightly as if she’s wincing from pain.
    “It’s okay,” I try to reassure her. I push up slightly and maneuver a hand between us to find her clit. I begin to massage it in gentle, lazy circles and continue to move my hips slowly, letting her get

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