Clearwater Romance

Free Clearwater Romance by Marissa Dobson

Book: Clearwater Romance by Marissa Dobson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marissa Dobson
Tags: Romance
head fall back against the pillow, her thoughts running in circles. He put in a movie, before he relaxed back into his recliner with his beer in hand. She watched him out of the corner of her eye more than she watched the movie.
    Could she marry him if love wasn’t involved? If she had been asked that before she found out she was pregnant she would have said no. But now if it meant saving her unborn baby she would. Maybe this was an opportunity—to prove to him they could have a real relationship again. To prove to him that marriage wasn’t out of the question. He could have his career and her, too.
    * * *
    A movie and two beers later, Cameron sat watching Tessa sleep. Even in sleep, her face held a worried look, one he wished he could wipe away. He was still on edge, waiting for her answer. He hoped the answer would be yes, not because he didn’t see another option for her and her unborn baby, but because he wanted her as his. It was selfish and he knew it, but he had almost lost her and if the father had been anyone but that married son of a bitch, he might have.
    Damn it, I’m a selfish asshole. I want her all to myself, yet I can’t be the husband she deserves, or the father the baby needs. He hated himself for it, but the Marines were his life, and even if he wanted to turn into a family man the Marines owned his ass for another year. Could he really give up his career, the adventure and adrenaline? He never thought so before, but if anyone could convince him to become a civilian again it’s Tessa.
    He pushed the legs down on the recliner, quietly as not to wake her. He’d rather carry her into bed and feel her body against his, it was the closest he would allow himself to get. If they married, he’d need to keep himself in line more than ever. Bury his feelings and make sure they remained a tightly guarded secret.
    She looked up at him, the blue eyes drawing him down like the sea wanting to swallow its next victim. “What time is it?”
    “Almost midnight, I was going to carry you into bed so you could rest comfortably.”
    “I can walk.” She pushed back the quilt and rose. “There’s nothing wrong with my legs, I’m only pregnant.”
    “I didn’t want to wake you.” Against his better judgment, he followed her, and cupped her cheek. Her pale pink lips called to him, he wanted to kiss her but his restraint was better than to give into the calls of flesh. He let his hand drop away from her, and stepped back. “Get some rest. I don’t have duty tomorrow, so I’ll make us breakfast when you get up.”

    She nodded and walked away from him, down the hall to the master bedroom that he gave her. He’d crash on the couch again, instead of making up the guest bed. His gaze followed her, need hitting him like a sucker punch. His body demanded he follow her. Instead, he ordered himself to take a cold shower, hoping it would chase away the images of her naked against him, his shaft buried deep within her core.

Chapter Four
    Tessa spent most of the night awake, tossing and turning as decisions plagued her. She stared at the warm grey walls for hours, snuggled deep under the comforter. Cameron’s scent surrounded her and offered comfort. It was sometime in the early morning hours when she made her decision. She slipped out of bed and made it across the room before there was a knock at the door.
    “Tess, may I come in?” Cameron asked from the other side of the door.
    “Yes.” When he opened the door and stepped in, authority poured off him even in blue jeans, and a grey t-shirt that strained over the bulging muscles of his biceps. “I swear you have super human hearing.”
    He gave her a grin that made her weak in the knees. “You know I’m a light sleeper. I wanted to see if you wanted me to start breakfast.”
    “Umm give me twenty minutes, I want to shower first, and then I’ll help.” She headed towards the adjoining bathroom.
    “The doctor said only baths for the next week. He doesn’t

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