EMBRACE THE DARK (The Blood Rose Novella Series)
curved, then with her fingers played with his lips.
    “Open,” she whispered.
    He parted his lips and her finger slid inside. He could feel his frequency vibration flow over her skin as she stroked his tongue. He suckled her finger, his gaze fixed on hers, those beautiful light-green eyes.
    Oh, that tingling again , her voice whispered inside his head.
    He released her finger. “I’m hungry,” he said.
    She started to say something, but he slid in a single quick glide down her body and took her mons in his mouth and swiped his tongue the length of all her tender femaleness.
    Her body arched beneath his. “I didn’t think it could get better, but your frequency is working me everywhere.” She groaned this time. “I’m so close and we’ve barely started.”
    He pushed and licked and sucked. She began to thrash on the bed. He focused the waves of his power on all her tender flesh. A moment later, she was screaming at the ceiling and bucking against him. “Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.”
    He kissed her and licked her. “More?” he asked when her hips settled back into the mattress.
    He repeated the process, until her screams once more rang up to the rafters.
    *** *** ***
    Abigail lay against the sheets, one with the bed, the room, the rafters, and above all Gerrod. He was kissing her abdomen, each vibrating touch a promise of more to come.
    She stroked his long damp hair, savoring the aftermath of the orgasms. How many? She might have lost count. She felt both satisfied yet ready for so much more since what he had just done to her was more appetizer than main course. She longed to feel him inside her, all that heavy rope of him.
    She hadn’t been with a man in a long time.
    He now licked her navel and desire seemed to streak higher and lower at the same time, especially with that sensual wave of energy as skin met skin.
    He climbed up the bed, kissing and suckling his way. He took as much of her breast in his mouth as he could and sucked.
    She moaned. Then he held it in his mouth and just rubbed over the tip with his vibrating tongue. The pleasure of his touch seemed to pass through her in the same way as though caught on all those waves.
    She reached low and found him, all that was male and Gerrod and so desirable.
    She rubbed the soft sensitive crown and he groaned heavily. He released her breast and climbed a little higher over her. He pushed her hair back over her shoulder.
    As though she understood, she exposed her neck to him and became aware, as she surrounded her cock with her hand, that her neck was throbbing. She felt a wetness on her neck first and realized it was his saliva. Then she felt his tongue.
    The same vibration was there.
    Abigail, your skin tastes so good, like rosemary.
    She gently stroked him up and down. Gerrod. You’re so beautiful .
    I love your voice in my head. He groaned louder and began licking her neck and angling over her, preparing to strike.
    Even your voice has a kind of pulsing energy , she said as his lips played over her skin. He sucked above her vein and a streak of pleasure like nothing she’d known before traveled straight down her body, into her well, and she spasmed hard.
    She felt desperate to experience it all.
    He must have known the pleasure he was giving since he was a vampire of age and experience. But the added waves of energy that came with his lips on her neck, his heavy muscular pecs against her breasts, his thighs against hers, was incredible.
    I want to be inside you.
    She held him now, her arms surrounding his shoulders. Yes, please, I want you inside me.
    She shifted her hips. She was in agony. She felt the tip of his cock push. She wiggled and helped, moving around until he was able to enter her thrusting forward, pulling back. She was so wet that soon it was a dream of movement and the internal vibrations were so… aaaaahhhh.
    He moved faster, a light quick speed that no human male could have accomplished.
    The vibrations

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