Mistress to the Prince

Free Mistress to the Prince by Elizabeth Lennox

Book: Mistress to the Prince by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
I’m not really hungry.”   She glanced around, looking over her shoulder in fear that she’d be recognized. 
    Greg barely acknowledged the quiver in her voice as he licked his lips in anticipation of the food.  “Hold on.  Let me just grab a plate and we’ll head back out.  I’m sure you’re loving all the fancy dresses.   Just observe for a moment, okay ?   I know women are always trying to out do each other with their clothes and shoes. ”
    “Yes, they are lovely,” she said distractedly , looking over her shoulder. Normally she would make a pithy observation about his sexist comment but she just couldn’t think beyond getting out of the area and into a less conspicuous position. 
    Greg picked up a plate and handed one to her.  “Here, it might be too crowded to eat later,” he said insensitively .  He then proceeded to pile both plates with delicious smelling foods.  He led her to a table in the corner where they could watch the other guests mill about.  “I wish I knew more people here,” he said , stuffing a lobster canapé into his mouth and looking around .   “I’ll be t there will be celebrities here tonight.  Don’t royals usually have lots of those kinds of people fawning over them?”
    She didn’t even bother to respond to such a silly comment.  Royals were basically celebrities in their own right and Max had a hard time going out in public at times, especially when a new magazine article pop ped up about him.  Tara looked around and noted several dignitaries she spoke to on the phone almost weekly.  They didn’t recognize her, thankfully. 
    She was nibbling on her food , barely eating anything and listening half-heartedly to Greg talk about his work when her luck ran out.  “ Tara ?” a feminine voice asked from behind her .
    Tara looked around and her stomach fell.  It was Princess Marabeth looking amazingly beautiful in a green, beaded dress that made her hair look more red and sparkling than usual.  “Good evening, Your Highness ,” Tara rose and curtsied automatically.
    She noted that Greg didn’t stand and she reached behind her to pull him up as protocol dictated .  He needed to show the princess respect as a woman by rising from the table , if not bowing because of her title.  “Greg, ” she started when he finally got the hint, “ this is Cordova ’s R oyal P rincess, Marabeth.   Your Highness , this is Greg Mallory. ”
    “Good evening, Your Highness ,” he said awkwardly, wiping his mouth with his napkin quickly and reaching out to shake her hand.  “Wow!  I didn’t think we’d be meeting royalty tonight!”
    Marabeth was gracious as always and ignored the small slight because of his lack of a bow.  She reached out and shook his hand despite the inappropriateness of the gesture.  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Mallory.  I’m delighted that you were able to support a very good cause,” Princess Marabeth said.  “It is one of my projects and very important to me,” she said.
    The perplexed look gave him away but he didn’t even try to save himself, Tara noted.  “What’s that?” Greg asked with a blank look on his face.
    Marabeth’s face remained blank but Tara could see the confusion in her eyes.  “The Children’s Hospital?  The reason we’re here tonight?” she reminded him. “Everyone here donated money to the fund and we’re celebrating the beginning of the next phase.”
    “Ah,” Greg finally said, understanding the reason for the event.  “Um, actually, my boss donated and he wasn’t able to attend tonight so he passed the invitation on to me,” he said.  “But i t’ s a real treat to be here tonight,” he finished lamely . He understood he had made a very large faux pas.
    Marabeth smiled brightly despite her well hidden dismay at the man’s words.  “Well, please pass my thanks on to your boss,” Marabeth said then turned back to Tara .  “Why

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