Under the Burning Stars

Free Under the Burning Stars by Carrigan Richards

Book: Under the Burning Stars by Carrigan Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carrigan Richards
not wearing those.”
    “Why not?”
    “Because I’ll tower over Peter and I don’t wear heels.”
    “You do now. Come on. He’ll be here any minute.”
    “Fine.” She put the shoes on and wobbled a little as she stood. “If I break my ankle tonight I’m kicking your butt.”
    “You’ll be thanking me when this night’s over.”
    Ava stared at her. “You know Peter liked me before all this.” She gestured to the short leather dress with cap sleeves that Melissa made her borrow.
    “And now he won’t be able to keep his hands off you.” Melissa gave a sly grin.
    Ava could feel her cheeks warm. “We aren’t going to do that. But how do you and Lance hide it from everyone?”
    She lifted a shoulder. “I don’t know. We just tune everyone else out and only pay attention to our feelings. I guess everyone ignores us. But since you and Peter are new and well, Thomas hates him, it might take a while.”
    “There has to be a way. I mean, we can’t feel any of the Elders or Gabriel and his coven. Just their presence.”
    “I know it must be hard, but just try not to let it overwhelm you. Practice on blocking it. Like the first sign when you start to feel it, push it away and focus on what you want to feel.”
    The doorbell rang and Ava heard Mrs. Rollins answer through the closed door. Ava’s pulse quickened once she heard Peter’s voice. Melissa’s excitement about the evening made her more nervous.
    Ava walked out and met Peter in the living room.
    “Wow. ” He raised his eyebrows and Melissa nudged her.
    “Thanks. Are you ready?”
    “Have a great time.” Melissa flashed a wide grin.
    Ava rolled her eyes and led Peter out into the humid June night. The rhythmic sounds of the cicadas filled the air. He opened the door for her and once she settled into the passenger seat, he shut the door. He slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine.
    “You look great,” he said.
    “Thanks. I feel weird though.” She tried to make the dress cover more of her skin, but it was useless.
    “Because this dress is too short and we’re just going to the movies.”
    “Well, you still look great.”
    Ava smiled. “Does this feel kind of weird?”
    “No. Why?”
    She shrugged. “I don’t know. With everything that’s happened and we’re going on a date.”
    “We deserve to be happy and that occasionally means going out and having a good time.”
    “So, what’s it like staying at the Manor?” he asked.
    “It’s kinda weird. The only time I’m ever alone is in my room. I miss it being just Dad and me. But he’s been busy with the Elders so it gets a little boring.”
    He gave an impish smile. “Maybe I’ll climb in your window.”
    She playfully hit his arm. “You could just stay. Savina has a room for you.”
    “My dad may not want me gone all the time.”
    “Have you thought about how to tell him?”
    “Maybe you could talk to my dad.”
    He shrugged. “Nothing’s going on though. I think it can wait.”
    “I don’t know.”
    “Don’t know what?”
    “That it’s really over. It just doesn’t make sense. If Devon was really in charge, why would he only attack us using Halflings and two Enchanters? He knows how powerful Savina’s coven is.”
    “ Didn’t the Elders explain it though?”
    “There has to be someone else behind it.”
    “ They’re all locked away, Ava.”
    “Except Trudy. I bet she ran back to Caprington to gather more troops.”
    “I think you might be a little paranoid.”
    She bit back a snide remark. “Well, I’m still going to find out who killed my mom.”
    “I know. And we’ll find out. I’ll help you.”
    Ava peered out the window, remembering her weird dream from the night before. It almost brought tears to her eyes.
    Peter intertwined his fingers with hers and squeezed. “She wasn’t a Cimmerian, Ava. She was a part of this coven and she was with your father.”
    “Percipients aren’t usually

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