Alien Seduction: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Love Book 1)

Free Alien Seduction: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Love Book 1) by Ruby Green

Book: Alien Seduction: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Love Book 1) by Ruby Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruby Green
    Chapter One
    Janette sat at her table; the designated defendant space in the district court of New York City. She sucked in a subdued breath of the stuffy air, running a jittery hand through her long thick hair. It was a crucial hour, their last day on the case, and she had made it a point to dress her best to impress the judge, gain the trust of her witness…and distract the plaintiff. She straightened her fitted Calvin Klein suit jacket, flipping her head of thick, curly brunette hair over her right shoulder.
    Her client, a short woman who looked more like a pixie than a murderer, leaned in to her, furrowing her black eyebrows. “I have to say, I’m really nervous.” She whispered.
    Janette raised an eyebrow. “I’m gonna go ahead and take that as an insult.” She hissed back.
    Just as her client was about to open her mouth to respond with a, no doubt, extremely stupid comment, the judge, a man by the name of Daniel Den who had presided over at least half of her cases before, all but whistled at her. “Wilson!” he barked. “Do you have any questions for the witness?” he asked.
    Janette could almost feel the disappointment radiating from everyone inside of the courtroom. Sure, it was true that she was not listening to any of her opponent, Bob Benson’s, cross-examination. She smirked at him. “Yeah. I do. Actually.” As she said this, she could see Benson pursing his perfect, full lips out of the corner of her eye. He was a man that wielded power with every breath that he took in, not because it was given to him, because he demanded it. Everything from his head of slicked back black hair to his two-thousand-dollar fitted suit, to his flashing blue eyes exuded confidence. Janette had never absolutely despised… and desired someone more in her entire life.
    She glanced at him, holding his agitated gaze as she took her time standing up, straightening out her own fitted jacket and rounding the front of the table. She kept her lips, coated in red lipstick, folded into her confident smirk and as she crossed the room. As Benson passed her, he made sure to shower her with that heart-stopping gaze of his. It nearly put Janette in a frenzy, the way that he seemed to undress her with his eyes. Although he had significantly frazzled her brain waves, she was sure to make sure to lay on her best, “I need to have sex with you right this moment,” gaze, before returning her attention back to what was really important: her client and this case.
    So she pulled out her small notepad and the pen she had slipped into her front pocket and faced the witness, the old woman who claimed to have watched Pixie, “stab her boyfriend twelve times.”
    “Mrs. Hillary Roddard, how old are you?” she asked, being sure to keep her eyes trained on the woman.
    Mrs. Roddard adjusted herself in the chair, pursing her lips and casting her gaze down. Janette knew it was an awkward question, one that was sure to make her feel uncomfortable, but either way, she didn’t care. In fact, quite the contrary, she found it amusing that the woman squirmed so much in her seat.
    When Roddard still had not answered her, Janette crossed the short distance between her and the stand, leaning on the table in front of her, “It’s okay. No one’s going to judge you. In fact, I promise you no one will even be surprised.”
    It was only as those words slipped out of her mouth and the woman emitted a scandalized gasp that Janette even realized that she had been rude. “I’m 82 years old.”
    Janette pasted a tight smile on her face, and then turned to face the jury. “Did everyone get that?” she asked, in her best I-am-trying-to-hide my smug grin voice. When she didn’t receive any kind of recognition from them, she then repeated what the woman said, “82 years. Now, I know Benson here so kindly pointed out the fact that she does indeed have a little

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