
Free Embrace by Cherie Colyer Page A

Book: Embrace by Cherie Colyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cherie Colyer
you need me, I’ll ride my bike over if I have to.” I was pretty sure it was buried in the garage under my dad’s tent and Chase’s pitcher’s net, behind the cooler, old crates, and other treasures my family no longer used.
    “I’m fine. Really. We’ll be by at the normal time.”
    Kaylee hung up. I hadn’t gotten to tell her about my afternoon, but that seemed insignificant now.

Chapter 6
    I N T HE M ORNING , T WO sharp honks let me know my ride had arrived. I grabbed a slice of toast from the table, tousled Chase’s hair, and said goodbye to my dad on my way to the front door. With the toast clenched between my teeth, purse slung over my shoulder, and backpack dangling from my elbow, I stepped outside and froze when I saw the deep green Jeep waiting in front of my house.
    I had to be a sight, and not in a beautiful goddess way. I looked through a veil of wet hair and tried to straighten my top, bounce my backpack up to my shoulder, and walk with some dignity to the passenger door. I’d forgotten about the toast sticking out of my mouth until I was sitting next to him and went to say hi . I quickly removed it.
    “Hi.” Isaac fought back a chuckle. “I take it you’re not a morning person.”
    “I was expecting Josh and Kaylee.” And I wanted to hit myself in the forehead for saying that out loud.
    “Josh told me what happened with Kaylee’s car. I hope you don’t mind, but I told him I’d pick you up.”
    “Not at all.” My heart danced in my chest to confirm it.
    “I was going to ask if you’d like to grab a latte and a muffin or something, but I see you already have breakfast.” He indicated with his chin to the toast in my hand.
    I looked at the meager piece of wheat toast, opened the door, and tossed it out.
    Isaac let out a hearty laugh that wrapped me in its joy. He shifted into drive. “The coffee house it is.”
    I could get used to Isaac picking me up in the morning. We walked into school hand in hand. We were greeted by several curious stares from our classmates. Isaac didn’t seem to notice or care. For me, it marked a step forward in our relationship. It was public, which made it all the more real.
    Isaac leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. “I’ll see you after school.”
    I made it to English class with four seconds to spare. Kaylee was already there.
    “You should have told me Isaac was picking me up,” I scolded. “I would have at least dried my hair.”
    “I didn’t know until Josh drove right by your street. I was going to call you, but my phone’s dead, and Josh wouldn’t give me his. He insisted I let Isaac surprise you.”
    I dropped my backpack on the floor and tried to get my bagel out of the bag as quietly as I could while the rest of the class settled into their seats.
    “Want half?” I offered to Kaylee.
    She stared blankly at my outstretched hand.
    “I got you jelly,” I added, knowing she never ate a bagel plain. When she continued to watch my hand with intrigue, I said, “Earth to Kaylee?”
    She wrinkled her nose and shook her head. I shrugged, guessing she’d already eaten at home.
    Sarah Johnson took a seat at the desk in front of Kaylee. “I spoke to Mr. Hoffman.” She looked so excited you would have thought he was a jewelry broker and not a farmer. “He’ll sell us as many cornstalks and bales of hay as we need for seventy percent off. He even offered to deliver it. I’m going to ask Mrs. Sheppard if her Food classes can do some baking for us. Did you check the props?”
    Kaylee and I had been assigned prop-duty with Mark and Ben less than twenty-four hours earlier. I wasn’t sure when Miss Sunshine thought we would have had time to check them, and I wanted to know what she drank in the morning, because she had enough energy to fuel the seniors at the old folks’ home for a week.
    “We’re going to check at lunch today,” I answered with as much enthusiasm as I could muster before noon. “And I have Mrs. Sheppard next

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