Barbara Pierce

Free Barbara Pierce by Naughty by Nature

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Authors: Naughty by Nature
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letters. He wanted the London town house ready for their arrival. The details for planning a small ball in Meredith’s honor were sketchy, but he knew a few ladies who could assist him in that endeavor. Ram belatedly recalled Angeline Grassi. He absently wondered if she had found another gentleman to share her bed.
    “Her resentment is normal, my lord. I believe—” Realizing she was overstepping her bounds again, Patience ruefully said, “May we speak frankly?”
    “Yes, on the condition you will accept my apology.” It was one of the reasons he had impulsively summoned her to the drawing room after Meredith had retired. Patience had cautiously agreed to his offer of hot chocolate and conversation. Her hesitation had made him feel brutish. “I regret chastising you earlier. My sister is not the only one who possesses the Knowden temper.”
    Amusement danced merrily in Patience’s blue eyes. “I accept. You might not believe this, but I have been accused of having an unguarded tongue.” She absentmindedly stirred her hot chocolate. “It is a failing I hope to improve upon while I am in your employ.”
    Charmed, he tipped back his head and laughed. He found nothing wrong with her refreshing arrogance, and neither did she. Ram had chosen brandy instead of hot chocolate to imbibe. Discreetly, he studied her through lowered lashes. His sister’s opinion
had been correct. Miss Winlow was beautiful. Her pale skin glowed with vitality under the candlelight. She had been a delightful and amusing companion at their table this evening, so unlike the quiet dinners he normally shared with Meredith when he was at Swancott. The swift molten heat of desire that struck him did not surprise him, but the aching intensity in his loins did.
    Ram had never bedded anyone under his employ. It gave him a distinct advantage that he considered distasteful. Any lady he bedded was there of her own free will, not because she feared dismissal. What was he to do about his attraction for Miss Winlow? Pensive, he sipped his brandy.
    “Is the chocolate not to your liking?” he asked politely, noticing she had barely touched her cup.
    Appalled that she had insulted him, she said hastily, “Oh no, it is delicious.” She brought the rim of the cup to her lips and sipped. Her eyes closed in bliss as she savored its rich flavor.
    Ram shifted uncomfortably in his chair. The way she tilted her head slightly back with her eyes closed and her lips parted made his cock twitch in anticipation. Her reaction to the hot chocolate was so sensual, he wondered if it was deliberate.
    Christ, he hoped so!
    He groaned, and Miss Winlow’s eyes opened.
Finally, aware of his intense stare, Miss Winlow set her cup aside. “You must think I am silly.”
    Silly? On the contrary, the lady was making him crazed. Oblivious to her effect on him, her tongue touched the corner of her mouth to catch a drop of missed chocolate. Ram resisted the urge to leap out of his chair and pull her down onto the floor. As far as he was concerned, the lady could put chocolate anywhere on her body and he would be happy to lick it off.
    “It has been a while,” she explained rather apologetically.
    He heartily concurred. Usually, he was not so bothered by his bouts of abstinence. However, there was something about Miss Winlow that made him want to demonstrate to her why the ton called him and his friends les sauvages nobles .
    She was Meredith’s hired companion and under his protection, he reminded himself. Control. He needed to grasp it with both hands and cease fantasizing about bedding his little actress.
    His .
    “Lord Ramscar, are you ill?” Miss Winlow asked, her mouth pouting with her growing concern. “If you would rather continue our discussion tomorrow—” She started to rise, but she halted when he gestured for her to sit.

    “I am fine,” he said, wishing he had not made a damn fool of himself, mooning over this woman. “You mentioned that it has been a

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